I am Exhibit D!

I ain’t a judge! Of whatever that I do judge though, I’m pretty bad at it and so, I’ll just limit today’s daily prompt to just myself. The prompt takes me to a question that I’ve asked myself a countless times before – why can’t I be friends with any human being at all?

I see a million others so cool at befriending others. They are like butter over a hot pan, all over you before you know it! They take control of your brain, have your attention at full throttle – you’re spellbound! They are sweet talkers, there’s nothing foul about their language, and there’s always an amazing contagious electric energy in their eyes and expressions. They just can’t lay low! They have jokes at their beck and call all the time. They look so colorful, they blind you with their shine. They never let that unknown fad of a smile on your face to ever fade. They’ll jump off their bums at the slightest hint of a joke. Sarcasm holds no meaning for these losers for they don’t have enough brains to understand it. Lets call them exhibit A!

Then there are million others who are sympathizing with you before you even tell them what you’re so upset about. They are your ray of light in darkness. They appear out of nowhere, lend you a shoulder or a coffee when you need it the most. These have a halo on their head or multiple ones depending on how deep your feet are stuck. They are that one branch hanging right at the reach of your outstretched hands when you are sinking in a quicksand. They have solutions at their beck and call – some realizable and some not, but you’re trapped. Trapped under the weight of their soft tone, that feather light touch on your shoulders that makes you theirs to own. They are the handkerchiefs to your tears. Lets call them exhibit B!

Now how do you relate the 2 exhibits A and B? By listing what they have in common –

1. They are forever willing to extend a hand.

2. They aren’t shy to utter those words when they matter.

3. They lend you a twinkle in your eyes, even when it’s only time limited.

4. Most of them are good-natured.

5. They talk good on your face.

Lets now talk about exhibit C –

They are unknown. They don’t talk. They simply observe till they think it’s time for them to jump on the throttle. Now what’s wrong with this behavior is – by the time, they take the reigns of the situation in their hands, it’s already handed over to someone else. They notice the failure and when this happens a couple more times and they realize that life’s a bitch, they turn into exhibit D – the passive ones. They give a rat’s ass to what or who you are. Their purpose of existence on the crude soil of this planet simplifies to pleasuring themselves. They are the loners. They can have all the fun in a party in which they are the only guest.

Yes, I’m exhibit D where D stands for – Dreary, Dysfunctional, Dodgy, Desolate, Defiant, Disdainful, Discreet, Distraught, and Dynamic.

For me, the very existence of people on this planet is uncalled for. They don’t deserve their places beside me. And if they do, then please do whatever you want to, at the other side of this planet, so there are 50% lesser chances of me ever meeting you. Yes, I’m exhibit D for I am not as buttery as exhibit A, balming as exhibit B, and I’m way past exhibit C.

No wonder I have no friends other than the ones I’ve cared to mention before in some posts.

Lets see how others befriend others –

  1. On Homophobia | AS I PLEASE
  3. My Friend the Sex Worker | AS I PLEASE
  4. Tune of the night | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  5. Frozen | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  6. Making New Friends Has Never Been Easy | Musings | The Wangsgard
  7. Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends? | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  8. Why can’t we be friends? | Purplesus’ Blog
  9. The Match (Part 9) Oh, Mother | The Jittery Goat
  10. To Be Or Not To Be…Friends ? | Knowledge Addiction
  12. DP Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends | Sabethville
  13. Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends? | seikaiha’s blah-blah-blah
  14. Bridge Over Troubled Water | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  15. Friends can lift… – Bottle the Moments
  16. From Being A Loner To Being A Friend | Dragon Droppings
  17. Daily Prompt: Wanna be friends? | cockatooscreeching
  18. I’d Rather be Home | Overcoming to Becoming
  19. You’re My Friend | Flowers and Breezes
  20. Will You be my friend? Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  21. You and I | The Colours of Life
  22. Daily Post; why can’t we be friends? | sixty, single and surviving
  23. Introversion and Friendship: Mutually Exclusive? | meanderedwanderings
  24. Why Can’t We Be Friends? | Pippakin Talks Cats, Dogs, Teeth and Claws
  25. The humor and indignation taste test: The art of friendship these days « psychologistmimi
  26. Rabbit’s Foot in Mouth | Charron’s Chatter
  27. DP – Why Can’t We Be Friends? | hometogo232
  28. Daily Prompt from WordPress: Making new friends – That’s My Answer
  29. House of Cards « Averil Dean
  30. Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends? | Awl and Scribe
  31. Friendship | A picture is worth 1000 words
  32. Hello. | DMZ #721
  33. Make Friends? | wisskko’s blog
  34. Friends are Diamonds in the Rough | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  35. It’s probably me… | Hope* the happy hugger
  36. Adult Friends | Lori’s Life and Other Stuff
  37. Daily Prompt: Being Friendly! | All Things Cute and Beautiful
  38. The Art and Science of Unmaking Friends
  39. No one is so rich as to throw away a friend | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  40. Daily Prompt: Making New Friends | A Day In The Life
  41. Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  42. Why Can’t We Be Friends? | manmadeoceans
  43. Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends? « cognitive reflection
  44. We Can’t Be Friends Because… | Random Writings by E
  45. Let’s Just Be Friends. | Asta’s Space
  46. Daily Prompt – Why can’t we be friends? | myjourneyeveryday
  47. Why we can’t be friends | Your Blog Coach
  48. Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends? | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  50. What do you look for in a friend? – 9th April 2014 | Life – Half Glass Full
  51. Stranger | La Gatita Oscura
  52. Friends: Daily Post | Destino
  53. Secret Keeper | Among the Whispers
  54. Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends, 09.04.14 | Markie’s Daily Blog
  55. April B
  56. Why Can’t We Be Friends? | djgarcia94
  57. I Have A Bitch Face | Properly Ridiculous
  58. eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  59. for jordan | peacefulblessedstar
  60. Flights of Fancy | LenzExperiments
  61. I am Exhibit D! | Views Splash!
  62. NaPoWriMo2014 Day 9: “Brothers in arms” | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project”
  63. Are You Gonna Be My Friend? A Daily Prompt Reply | Let the Ink Run Free
  64. Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends? | My Atheist Blog
  65. The Art of Befriending A New Person | just mean hope
  66. True or fake? Friendship lessons | Parents Are People Too
  67. Why Can’t We Be Friends | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
  68. The Art of Friendship | Green Embers
  69. My Friend, B | Love.Books.Coffee.
  70. Backpack for Life | Dreams to Reality !
  71. My simple easy steps to make friends | Emovere
  72. “Choose Carefully!” “But, So Many Fish In The Sea.” | Sloppy Etymology
  73. Why An Internet Writer Can Never Be Your Best Friend | Sloppy Etymology
  74. Friends Aren’t Stationary | Sloppy Etymology
  75. Goodness Gracious Me! | LenzExperiments
  76. A Toast to Friendship | Expressions
  77. Why We Can’t Be Friends: Daily Prompt | Just Visiting This Planet
  78. The look: The art of befriending | until the inkwell dries
  79. If You’re Good, We’ll Get a Treat at Goudies | The Zombies Ate My Brains
  80. About that whole friend thing… | Willow’s Corner
  81. a to z: h is for hawaiian hug | meraki geek
  82. It’s This Easy | Edward Hotspur
  83. Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends? | Basically Beyond Basic
  84. The art of befriending someone new? Alcohol. | Hunny, lemme tell u ’bout it!
  85. Daily prompt: You’re asking me? | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  86. Friends not wanted. Thanks anyway | JED’s Playhouse
  87. Suicide no. 41: Still Life | derekalanwilkinson
  88. Golden Rule of Friendship | 365 Days of Thank You
  89. Daily Prompt: The Friendship Department | Blissful Pages
  90. OMG! Let’s be Besties! | Baby Gates Down
  91. Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends? | My Other Blog
  92. BEFRIENDING…I guess it’s an ART… | FREE BIRD
  93. Friends with me? | itsmayurremember
  94. New in Town | Daily Post | Cabin Pressure May Change
  95. Why Can’t We be Friends? [Still] « Restawyle

46 thoughts on “I am Exhibit D!”

        1. Remember the laser gun aboard some stupid Destroyer Kidd in Transformers: Revenge of the fallen? Something like that!
          But just kidding… you may just be right! 😉


                1. Indians and Pakistanis are perfect examples of brothers and sisters who are angry for they care about each other too much! 😀

                  And thank you for your kind words in appreciation Afsheen! May you remain as blessed as ever too! 😀


          1. 🙂 .. hehe.. ok..
            Anyway the post is very nicely written and i like your analysis on different types of people which proves you have a very good observation skills and you keep an eye on society.Also i am very impressed by your writing style.
            All the best for future too.
            May Allah bless you ameen.


  1. This really made me laugh, because your analysis and categorizations of people are so true! I’m not sure which one I fit into. I’m like a loose hair, continually popping up in one place or another. And I guess if 90% or more of the population annoys you, then thats not very promising for my making friends. I want to blame you if thats the case, yet your writing makes me feel inadequate.

    Where can I send my bills for psychotherapy sessions? 😉


  2. The fried, buttery thing in the picture looks delicious! What is it? Though my stomach won’t tolerate buttery or fried–I’d at least have to take a miniscule taste of a corner! 🙂

    I am a combination personality when it comes to how I interact with people. I have a few friends that I’m very close with. I consider my best friend to be like a sister. I’m very outgoing and love to laugh and joke. I also care very deeply about people and am there for my friends and family when they need me and I believe in showing respect to everyone.. There are also times that I enjoy the solitude of being alone. During those times, I plan, write, listen to music, and just sit and think about life in general.

    I had some very rough times earlier in my life and thought that I didn’t need people. I turned out that the more I shunned interaction, the worse I felt. Sometimes being alone, without the positive input of others, causes us to reflect on people and life negatively because our negative experiences are all we have to draw from.

    The fabulous thing about blogging is that you meet people from all over the world and experience different thoughts and viewpoints. I hope you have a pleasant day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pardon me for replying so late, I’m caught with so many things, it’s hard to believe I got time to even turn my PC on! 🙂
      The fried buttery thing is some HongKong style sandwich!
      I completely agree to what you have said! And it’s such fun to know so much about people who come here to let themselves out in their best possible creative suits!
      Thanks so much for your comment and the a great conversation! 😀


    1. Here’s what my wife said just this morning when I was narrating her my last night – “You know you should just write and never talk! Tum meri taareef sirf likhte time hi karte ho!”. You can now probably relate to how I look so friendly while writing… The words I write never turn into what I say and the same is vice versa! 😀


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