Why do we need a God to worship?

Who is God?

Where is God?

How does this God help save humanity as a virtue?

Why do we need a God to worship?

What is God? Is it so important for the world to have him around so that they could build their faith on an absolutely non-existent entity? Have we seen him? Don’t we believe in the phrase “Seeing is Believing”? Do our grand-parents tell us stories about how God was born in their age and how he could do the amazing things that we, with such a devotion read in our holy books?

According to me, “God” resides in us. The better we get to know ourselves, the closer we get to him. God is a power bestowed upon us by the mother that gave birth to us. It’s also a power that slowly becomes unrecognizable due to a meek human emotion of self-pity. Now let us read why do I say this –

I’ve had a very normal childhood. My parents serenely believe in God. They pray before the idols, taught me to pray before the idols, and I even prayed before the idols. But I never felt safe, secured or loved by praying. I just never have. The only thing I feel secured with are my thoughts. My thoughts about how to take the next step in my career, how to start my preparations to fulfill my next objective and so on. Things that only make me strong. To think about the pros and cons of everything I have done and make sure that all that I do doesn’t hurt any one directly or indirectly. There is no God involved in my thinking. I have a quiet confidence in myself that everything that I do will only be for good of myself and others. Simple case of humane thinking. I do not plan to go on and win the world. I plan to go on and lead a simple life which my family and the people I love adore and that’s how I plan to win my small little world. And I’ll say it again – there is no God as an entity involved in my thinking – only trust, faith and quiet confidence to be a human who loves himself and others as much as he expects others to!

How does self-pity affect my own Godliness? It doesn’t. All that matters to me is my future along with the well being of all the people I love, adore, respect and care for. I don’t think there is a single task that any one of us can’t do in our lives. Frankly I just don’t have time to crib about people and things that are immaterial to me. We are capable of a thousand things and will forever be until we get over self-pity. It is negative, it stops us from being positive. It decelerates our progress. For a better perspective about self-pity, try the following link –


Then why do we need to worship idols built of stone? Why do we even need to consider energies emanating from them and believe that they are built for a purpose, a purpose of human emancipation?

This is because a few knowledgeable saints in our past recognized that God resides in us and hence, decided to show us their own image of God. And they were right. God is a human form of strength that resides in each one of us. We only need to recognize it.

Lets just discuss the past.

First we were fighting each other for basic amenities as food which then was abundantly available as hunting, pastoral and horticultural societies. Then we were fighting each other for abundantly available land in agrarian societies and so on. Mankind has lived in a society since forever and for that matter, every living animal lives in one or the other form of a society. We wanted to live in societies to be close so that we could protect each other, look after each others backs when required – which required trust. A society then was and still is a necessity. This trust could have had multiple meanings and humanity therefore required a means to devise the quantum of trust that would make each one of us more suitable to be a part of it.

Mankind was way too evasive and negative when the concept of God emerged. We could never see ourselves putting our faith solely in ourselves and in each other because we considered and still consider ourselves and all around us, flawed in one way or the other because that is human nature. But in “GOD” as God, as an entity, we were able to consider it supreme because it would never answer back and then we would be at a liberty to assume answers that suit us better. We then become free to do what we like and then the consent to our deeds is universally granted from every living human being who would believe in God. This way we also gained confidence and lost most of our confusion as we now had the affirmative nod from the “Supreme Power” above us!

The lesser we believed in God, the lesser we trusted each other. Although, this method had and has no problems in its own right, but mischief mongers would normally – even today – try and get the better rights and better means to be at the highest ladder in this society. This is a natural algorithm of survival. Some live high and some live low. Some believe in living higher and hence, they try and acquire all possible means to get to where they want to. And then there are people who aim as high as they can but due to some difficult circumstances never make it there. And they either end up being somewhere in the middle or get thrown down the ladder and try and survive with the third group – people who never wanted to make it big. Their place in this world according to them has been sealed shut even before they were born. And so they stay at the bottom rung of the ladder along with some of the failed ones.

Each of these categories could have lived happily together if they had perfectly understood their places, their limitations, their powers and that how they all-in-themselves create the perfect harmony and balance in this world.

The distinction between each of these categories in itself is never the problem. The problem lies with the greedy people who amplify the division, who feel that causing the world to divide would benefit them more over others. They are people who can never see the world as a happy place running in total harmony and a staccato rhythm.

Since these greedy people knew that the greatest benefit could be reaped when humans stood separated, they decided to create distances among people. And since they couldn’t find anything physical in humans themselves to separate them from each other, they used the human psyche to do it (psst… they will eventually use color of the skin too but that for later). They used human beliefs and their faiths. The beliefs that identified every human as an intellectual individual. They played with their minds. These distinctions now allowed those greedy ones to give roles to humans inside this manipulated society. Some would serve in the name of God, some would work for the humanity in the name of God, some would be the work-men who would give to the servers and the worshipers and the rest would be the out-caste who would have been ousted based on their colors or family backgrounds or something that would be completely unacceptable at the time of this differentiation. All of this only to divide humanity.

Now who is this God that they decided to distinguish humans upon? A belief. An idol that was put up in the sacred room so that the out-castes aren’t allowed to even touch or embrace them. A belief which now powered the people who had the means and the said power to rule over people. In all of this mayhem, common people eventually forgot that the God who they initially worshiped as their keeper of faith, was now just a means of their own agony.

And so, in the name of God, the powerful became even more powerful and the oppressed became even more oppressed. And why? No one again taught the first fact of Godliness and even if someone did, could have only managed to convince only a few who lost their drive to spread the message due to all the negativity and social responsibility that the life brings with itself for every human. Living a life now is a bigger pain than anything else and all of it because we fail to understand the basic concept of a God.

We often say “God is one”. He obviously is because he resides inside us. This is why God is same for all of us because he is within us. He is equal for all of us. We just need to recognize him better. He is trust, faith and hence, the ultimate progression of life.

So, as per me, who is God?

– my faith, knowledge and the truth about myself.

Where is God?

– it’s within me.

How do I worship God?

– have faith in myself, know my limitations, respect them and eventually break them to know and recognize a better world.

How does this God help save humanity?

– I now respect responsibilities – mine as well as others – and never interfere with them, because every human has a purpose and they must be allowed to deliver upon it. I can only help people meet their goals. This way we look after each other, trust each other, have faith in their beliefs and never break laws that are setup by the people who see everyone as equal and who are like-minded and believe humanity to be sacred, to save us.

Am I an atheist?

– No. I believe in myself. I have faith in myself and I believe, so should everyone.


This is something that I have always believed in. I may be unintentionally stirring up a controversy here and I would gladly accept any criticism and support that would come my way but I can say it from my heart that I am not writing this to hurt anyone’s religious sentiments. I am just trying to ask a question because people around me who genuinely believe in God haven’t been able to answer my questions.

8 thoughts on “Why do we need a God to worship?”

  1. Good blog article. It’s more or less agree with your thoughts on GOD! Balanced writing without hurting the sentiments of GOD believers.


  2. I also agree that God resides within us. I also believe that he is everywhere as well. I find it wonderful that we as humans can agree on something so important. I wish those in positions of power could do the same.


  3. no i don’t agree… God is not an entity to be believed in or not… He is powerfully eternal… you are a man after all only a human.. a human with limitations, a human that only a human can give birth to, a human that knows his limits, his boundaries, his doings, his attributes. you are a human who does not know how to make a human out a mere clot….
    so discussing God like the way you did is not completely right and not completely wrong… you said about the people who played with the sentiments of the people and so raised the fear and love and gave it the shape of God.. but there is smethn that u need to know. like e.g somebody gives u and ua brother a sum of 20’000 rupees and tells it to spend it the way u want.. u go n give it in charity and ua brother goes and gambels… this is not the fault of the giver it is the fault of the person in first place… y was it that people believed in what was described to them y didnt they try to explore their own thought of God their own origin of God their own belief of God and most importantly their concept and truth of God…
    a human is flawed because he is and he will be for perfection is to the one who created u who designed n designed this whole wrld.. u cnfuse uaself between good and great… u r never possible on ua own, there is somone who controls you who leads you… whose name u scream in pain.. whom u want when u fail…
    what u say is quite interesting for me…. “I plan to go on and lead a simple life which my family and the people I love adore and that’s how I plan to win my small little world. And I’ll say it again – there is no God as an entity involved in my thinking – only trust, faith and quiet confidence to be a human who loves himself and others as much as he expects others to!”…….. how is it possible to get out His woven threads.. no matter how hard u try to succceed in ua own little world if He doesnt wants u to succeed u vl nt, itz He who made you.. itz GOd…. u say itz not God it is trust, faith and quiet confidence … but what are these things ua trust, faith and quiet confidence ? is it ua way of doing things or is it how He wants u to do them?…. ua thoughts about God His origin His power is nothing but a creation of a mind who wants to convince itself that it z i only i who earns this money, who makes others happy, who knows how nt to hurt himself and others cncerned…. and at the same time u earn money and it is lost.its stolen by someone, by a theif.. u know wat this act is.. this is His will he doesnot want u have that money why wat how .. itz only that He knows…
    i may not be able to clear the concept of God that u have developed in ua self but the basic thing is the one who is away from his relihgion itz pillars its origin itz every little atribut is away frm himself frm hi sown origin… u think abou ua origin ua mothers n so on n then of thi swrld u will God smiling at u… for knowing the attributes of a human He doesnt need to be human because He has created him, designed him… He knows his flaws, hi sperfections his doings his way of smile his way of earning his way of spending n in all He knows a man aftrall He is his creater just likea mother who is his nourisher…
    the concept of God in ua mine religion is some what different but everywhere one thing is common. that we believe in a God .. if aa atheist says he does not believe in a god then he contradicts his own thinking for he knows that there is a God whom he finds not to fit in his own thinking….
    hope u will not take it otherwise.. it just hurt me because the way i believe God couldnt stand this.. but anyways apni apni soooch…appreciated the way u jotttted it down..


    1. I am awestruck and totally flabbergasted! I saw this comment and had my mouth open, and I now reply to you in writing when my expression has changed to a persistent smile. I’ve never had this… a comment that’s the size of a blog itself and pardon me if I keep repeating this throughout this reply.

      First of all, I just loved the way you said ‘apni apni soooch’. For everyone else who didn’t understand this hindi phrase, it means – “Everyone has a way of thinking and they are free to have it”!

      Next –
      Your comment says so much about you and your belief in your almighty and please pardon me if in this reply I hurt any of your sentiments for that’ll never be my intention. I adore and respect all humans equally – it’s one of my motto’s of life. You sound like a lovely human being and trust me when I say this: this blog wasn’t really meant for the deepest believer like you are. This blog was meant for everyone who use religion and henceforth, God himself!

      I’ll never conflict your beliefs with mine for it’s not a fight. It’s a perception that we have both grown into. You are perfect with God and I’m quite sure I’m perfect without his mention in my heart. With your comment, you’ve clearly placed a hand above us all, the hand of someone very huge and mighty. I, on the other hand, simply fail to acknowledge him. It must be a flaw in me but I’m prepared to live with it till I don’t hurt a living soul in my life.

      And I am truly thankful that you came out so open about your clarity of your belief in God. It’s not very easy. It took me a lot of years to come in full clarity about my own version of faith and belief.

      I thank you again to have watered my blog with your views. I truly appreciate it! 😀


  4. the first thing that i need to tell you is that u really and importantly need to clear yourself about the thing that y u fail u acknowledge Him… what is the reason behind this thing… ? it is not so easy for someone to not to believe his own origin… i am sure if u work on this particular issue you will surely acknowledge Him… for u this time i feel it necessary to at least believe in a small part of this… no body can make his own version of faith and believe. you need to believe in God for today or later you will need Him, and then you will find it difficult to contradict your own thoughts and thinking… if u say He is in your heart and to know Him you first need to yourself then i will say that He is Himself the definition of you… i don’t state your belief in Him totally wrong for our beloved Rasool s.a.w has said”there are as many ways to reach God as their are children of Adam”……but the thing is and the problem is that you don’t believe in Him in the first place… even to be an atheist you first need to know the definition of God, the reason why you don’t want to believe His presence…. if u god forbid were struck by a strong and powerful lightening and you wake up alive what will be your reaction? what is the meaning of this “oh it is a miracle that he is alive” when doctors and science refuse to accept that he can be alive….??? what is that makes you going the way you are going??? who is the one to whom you will return??? what is that which is beyond 5 senses of a normal person…??? what is that raises the wind and makes it flow in a direction??? who is the one who raised you from a clot of blood and shaped you??? you may say it is all nonsense but actually it is not .. it is what u said.. finding the definition of yourself??? find it and if you are able to find it then come back and say i fail to acknowledge Him….
    the basic reason for your failure is that you have not understood the basic pillars of the faith that you need to know… open up the book any one bible, gita, quran, torah, injil and find a way to acknowledge Him,… try this .. you want to find yourself na… then loose yourself in Him… it is in loosing that you find and gain…


  5. Such beautiful thoughts!!! You are a really special soul Aiman! Stay firm in your beliefs for they are what will carry you through, the same way as my beliefs will carry me. Distance won’t matter for the essence of life lies not in it’s duration but it’s purpose! 🙂

    I will surely work upon your thoughts… thanks so much for your concern! Have a blessed life ahead and keep spraying this blog with your thoughts! 🙂


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