Bed Talks

What an apt day for this prompt! I was looking to vent out something that happened last night and here cometh the daily prompt!

Wifey left again to visit her parents and her in-laws (my parents) today. I’m alone for next 15 days again but we had a bedtime conversation going after a long time yesterday. Ever since she returned, she was puzzled by my new found love for writing. Actually she’s right to feel this way as nothing comes so easy to me. I procrastinate to levels not known to ordinary humans. I put things off simply because I don’t feel my toes are working perfectly (just a case in point).

We went out to dinner the night she returned, I bought her gifts and we started talking about her experience and when she paused for water, mine too! She had apparently been following my blog from where she was, had grown a bit fond of it. Not delving into how she fared during her vacation, I can tell you what she told me about the results of my break – “You’ve really chilled. You don’t look frazzled. There’s a calmness over you which is helping me wind down too!”.

Then last night, she told me about a demon that she’s been feeding for last 27 years. And I’m thinking how the hell did I miss this about her? Then again, life hasn’t been all hunky dory lately so missing a detail isn’t that big an issue for both of us! She told me how, she has always wanted to emulate a colonel friend of her grand father whom she met when she was just 3. She met him only 3-4 times but considered him as more of her grand father than her actual one (this must really hurt a soul I tell you) and all because he taught her how to carry herself and how to talk to others and things most parents miss these days (ironically her parents missed it too).

Now how does all this relate to today’s prompt? An artist, per me, is someone who elicits responses untold to many a soul themselves. He puts out something that prompts others to empty their own souls when all the while he is himself just emptying his own. Am I an artist?I’m no artist. For I’m no writer (I’m trying to be but am far far away from it), I’m no singer, I’m no player but yet I could, with my demeanor, elicit a response, a thought from my soul mate that she was prepared to hide until told otherwise. I felt proud. I had never had such a deep discussion with her, and she didn’t mind not sleeping at all last night, for she felt light!

Yes, writing is my art, not perfect yet but it’ll do till I can keep my soul mate honest and open with me. I can now see why she always pushed me to get into a different line along with my current industry. Something creative that brought out the good in me. She told me, the way I am today, I can never get someone to like me even if I wanted it the hardest. They’ll never understand me for I’ve built a fort around me and I don’t let anyone in. Trust me people – she’s made her way in already, she just doesn’t know it yet!

Let’s find out the arts of others –

  1. Freedom in a pen | MC’s Whispers
  2. YouTube Clips: Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  3. Jamming | Knowledge Addiction
  4. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  5. The Match (Part 5) 40 Acres | The Jittery Goat
  6. Singing All The Way | Knowledge Addiction
  7. DP Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | Sabethville
  8. Write to Heal | From Hiding to Blogging
  9. Xi’an, the Place with Enriched Stories | From Hiding to Blogging
  10. Taipei – a Mesmerizing City | From Hiding to Blogging
  11. Broken Dreams? | Tale of Two Tomatoes
  12. Daily prompt – Express yourself! | myjourneyeveryday
  13. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | benjaminsolak
  14. Bed Talks | Views Splash!
  15. The Creator God and His Gift to Us | meanderedwanderings
  16. Express Yourself | Dragon Droppings
  17. Express Yourself | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  18. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself-Is it Children’s Obligation to Take Care of Their Parents? | Journeyman
  19. I teach! | Purplesus’ Blog
  20. Quadruple Threat [Intimate Sessions] | She Writes
  21. [M.M.X.I.V. 95] The dancing feet | Never A Worry
  22. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  23. Building Blocks of a Project | Photography Journal Blog
  24. More than an Expression…an Extension of Me | snapshotsofawanderingheart
  25. E Is For Expressing Yourself | My Little Avalon
  26. My Games… | from dusk to dawn….
  27. Creativity in pranks, viruses and retaliation: This week’s weird and wacky news « psychologistmimi
  28. Reach High | Flowers and Breezes
  29. Freedom In Expression | Coffee With Jesus
  30. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | seikaiha’s blah-blah-blah
  31. DAILY PROMPT: Express Yourself | Melissa Holden
  32. My dog doesn’t see the point of leg weaves |
  33. 8 things I have to say about debate | Never Stationary
  34. A Small Guest With a Box of Sweets | wisskko’s blog
  35. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | thechangingpalette
  36. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | I Just Like Doing Them | Shawn Daily
  37. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  38. Sunset Over India | Broken Light: A Photography Collective
  39. Daily Prompt Express Yourself : Joy | Angela McCauley
  40. Please Don’t Call Me A Writer
  41. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself | Words4jp’s Blog
  42. Therapy | In the Present
  43. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself | That Montreal Girl
  44. Daily Prompt: Express yourself | A cup of noodle soup
  45. Express Yourself | Kimmiecode
  46. Daily prompt: Express yourself! | Go, See, Live
  47. Express Yourself | The Land Slide Photography
  48. you keep me at varying | y
  49. No Such Thing as Self-Expression | Author Laura Lee
  50. Comin’ Through the Rye | Speculative Paradigm Shifts
  51. Ex-press-ion | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  52. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself | gracenorcott
  53. my purpose | peacefulblessedstar
  54. Persuing Perfection | The Ravenously Disappearing Woman
  55. Poetry that doesn’t challenge my brain | The Salmon Yatra
  56. One’s Creative Expression | Cats, Coffee, And Life At Random
  57. Creative me | Emovere

37 thoughts on “Bed Talks”

  1. Well it was great you had that talk with your wife. I like the way you express yourself you don’t leave anything out it’s a mark of a gifted writer. I mean it.


  2. What a beautiful post, and I’m glad you started writing too. You seem to have an easy ability to express yourself and your personality really shows in your words. Really glad your wife is seeing the “you” in your writing too. It took me awhile to start writing also, and my husband told me that he sometimes (not often, thankfully), learns something new about me and the way I think from my words because sometimes through general talking, we don’t express ourselves 100%. Kind of interesting…


  3. The walls are coming down. 🙂 Opening up through writing is a great start and see it even helped you and your wife to draw closer. Hurray for you, Samir.


      1. I think you’d like some of the stuff I write about over on my other blog under ‘The Daily Channel’ heading. Just a suggestion.

        Oddly enough I shied away from this particular daily prompt, probably because all I do is express myself on my blogs so it seemed a bit moot to then try and sum it up in a nutshell. My blogs at the moment are my creative release, as it seems your blog is for you. I’m pleased you are discovering and unveiling your creative passion. I shall watch you grow eagerly from the sidelines. I like your writing style very much.


        1. I’m guessing you’re a female by your name but I get confused with western names sometimes, so please pardon me if I’m wrong!
          But you truly are an artist and the your answer to yesterdays prompt must’ve been photography and writing! But I’m just guessing! And getting such comments from such a brilliant artist as you are, I’m totally blown away! Thank you so so much! 😀


          1. You are quite right, I am female if that helps 🙂
            I have a lot of strings to my bow, I think that is why I found yesterday’s prompt difficult. For years I expressed myself through music and singing, and although I have attempted to reconnect with my musicality recently, the little time I do have is spent on my photography and my writing.
            What a lovely compliment you pay me, I am quite humbled, and very grateful. It’s always a pleasure to encounter other artists who inspire me as you do. The fact that you take the time to look at my work is deeply gratifying. I suppose as artists we all wish to connect with the rest of the world, although I don’t believe that it is always about validation of our work, but rather an innate need to share ideas with others, and to develop and grow and innovate as a group, or a family. I’m an idealist I suppose, but I think all artists are essentially. It’s a good thing.


            1. I mean I’m tongue tied! I think exactly the same! Music and singing?!! Is there anything you don’t do? Just kidding but seriously great work and be on it! Looking forward to so much more of you! 😀


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