Reward of Love

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Reward.”


This is my greatest reward. To place an unknown human being in my sphere of trust. To let her know she’ll never be alone again. The connection to Shiva though, is something only she can explain. šŸ™‚

Seeing is Believing

Hate is a strong word isn’t it? Especially when it comes to things you do or get done in a day. I hate none of what I do. I love my job. I like the people around me who work just like me. We have a fun time. I love my home or whatever of a ‘Home’ we’ve made it into. I love my dog. I love my wife and doing stuff for her.

The only thing that ails my soul and which I think is entirely a waste of my time (some may argue it isn’t) is driving to and fro my office. I feel that hour and a half is the least productive time in my day and the best period I can use for my writing if someone drives my vehicle. It isn’t fruitful to my health for all the smoke and dust that enters me, sticks to me, and makes me look like a villager on either end of the journeys. It doesn’t exercise a single muscle of my body and if anything raises my blood pressure.Ā 

And therefore, I want my robot to be a car that drives itself. I know they are still building on this technology and I may never be able to afford one for myself for it may never turn cheap and I know I’ll end up driving my car for my whole life whenever I own one, I want to nurture this dream. I know a lot of you may argue against me sleeping late and waking up late but because we’re talking solely about my comfort, this will be the pinnacle of the technology I wish to own.

The entire commute must get reduced to small phrases – “Driver, drive to my office” or “Driver, drive to my home”. Something voice activated and startable only using a password and it then does all the work itself while I commute hasslefree inside a clean cabin, undisturbed to write all I want. This way I’ll get a thousand other ideas to write about too by simply looking out of the window.

Some may argue, why not take a bus instead which will be cheaper? I say, I hate being around people. Crowd and bad smells simply tick me off. This when clearly, people are my best source of inspiration for thoughts and writing. Every living body feeds my brains with things and teaches me stuff that no books or internet can.

Seeing is Believing“.

A Cooked Blog

Sometimes I wonder what attracts you more to me, Ā a love for the unknown? A love for the hatred I have for the world? Curiosity for the time unknown? Unseen acts of horror, unprecedented valor, or kindness?

I feel you touch a piece of me everyday but never whole. The tingle that wakes up my sensations, often leaves my soul wanting for more. I get you one finger pore at a time and with each touch, the yearning for wholeness turns my skinĀ inside out. Why can’t I have you more? Why don’t I get you more?

Can’t blame you though, my readers, for we are all travellers in the same boat. Kids, wife, parents, office, home, horrifying relatives, and time killing neighbors – they consume so much of our time and brain that there’s none left for us to use at the end of the day. Still we are motivated to do what’s right for us – write for ourselves, it’s an obligation to the inner you, isn’t it? You reach the desk at the last hour of the day, pick up your pieces of thoughts and right when you are about to hit the keyboard, you lose power. People with laptops can still work for a while but not desktop users like me. Our day just got pushed into a dark oblivion when there’s no option but to sleep, the thoughts still currying inside, the flavors dying to spill out on to a writing pad or a web page. But luck is having none of it!

I’ve been under such a spell since past 3 months.Ā Everyday is a struggle – to stay awake, concentrate, be healthier, see certain things the way I would a few years ago, keep focus on the future all the while learning from the past and (the one that tops it off) yet,Ā be fun.

My irritability around this time of the year isn’t a new phenomenon. From an early age, I found June, July, August and September – the hardest to deal with. Whether it be my bone crushing accidents, to hysteria among the people around me, diseases – it’s like a kill-switch turnsĀ on. People die, there are terrible news all around and concentrating is the last thing my brain does. This is also the time I wish, time should just fly by never concerning me with its nitty-gritty. These are easily the most non-productive months of my year. Do you have any months that particularly seem to concern you – ones that freeze your hands, swell your feet, numb your mind for the world around just picks up its frantic pace and tries to drag you with it?

It is these months though, I expect my dear readers to show me some love and be kind enough to keep this space engaged. And how well you’ve done it, BRAVO! You’ve read and read my stuff, appreciated it, hunted down my errors even when I wasn’tĀ there for you…

You Cooked My Blog“!

And now it’s time for me put some dishes on the front burner and stir the pot to see what comes out next.

Hope when WE met!

This one’s easy – it’s my wife!

I remember the restaurant

I remember the hue

I remember the dreamy silhouette that was you!

You appeared from the lights

And blew mine away.

All I saw was you

That smile in the fray.

We talked and talked

For hours and hours

Your career and mine

For an unsurpassable length of time.

Till weĀ were caught dreaming

By our Dads screaming!


Riding the Tides

You know, there are things that we do over and over again for a considerable period of our life and then, someday we stop doing them, for whatever reasons. We never know if they were for good or bad, for they in their time never held any meaning. Then one day we stop doing them. All Ā they give us are memories, some cherishable and some not so.

The one thing I’m doing ever since I learnt to control handles and balance, is ride. Ride, to and fro, carrying people at my back.

The 2-wheelers that I’ve used are –

1.Ā BSA SLR – Bicycle.


2. Kinetic Luna Super Star – A bicycle with an engine, a clutch and accelerator.


3. Hero Puch Shakti 3G – A mini demon. The smallest geared bikes with the smallest of engines – a mere 65CC.

Hero Puch Shakti 3g

4. You’ve all already met my 4th companion, Bajaj Pulsar 180CC – One of the oldest and proudest giants in the history of Bajaj sporting bikes in India. Without it, I’m lost.

My Ride

During my schooling and engineering, my brother rode as my pillion. They were fun times. Nothing except the rides changed over the years. From bicycle to Luna to Shakti, that part of our life is one the longest case of the association between brothers and their rides. We rode for long hours and I don’t remember him, even once, asking me to let him ride. He was happy and content, at the back, watching the world and giving all sorts of running commentary, describing the surroundings. Watching girls, eateries, escaping seniors, riding in the rain – through love and through fight, those days will forever remain fresh.

There was one instance when while returning from our school, it was raining really hard. I decided to have some fun and starting riding through puddles of rainwater, which soaked all of his shoes from the inside. I kept doing it, when in a fit, he opened his water bottle and emptied it straight into my shoes, and all this 60 kmph. We laughed all the way to our home. One of the happiest memories I have with him.

We’ve had our share of accidents as well, when in all the occasions, he jumped off well before the fate hit us. He is thankfully smart in those situations when I’m not. Twice in those accidents, I hair-cracked my left shoulder. But they never deterred me

Then my ride changed to Pulsar and the speed at which I normally rode changed. I remember once, when he was in Bangalore, spending time on bench in his company, I used to drop him to his office. We used to take the ‘Nice’ road. It was one clean and zero traffic road, 16Ā kms in length. We reached 120 kmph one day. He simply closed his eyes and felt the speed while I just enjoyed the fastest that I had ever ridden, things passing by me in time smaller than the blink of an eye. I miss those moments.

Then came my wife, and so changed my speed. All she ever has said about my riding is – “You are the only one with whom I don’t try to balance the bike”. I clearly am her favorite!

Riding is also the time, I think about my life the most. I contemplate all serious issues, when I’m seated on my bike. I have myĀ commentary running for all that while. “Government must ban all women and old drivers”, “Why the fuck does everyone change their lines at the last moments”, “What happened to them indicators” yada yada.

And then there’s my favorite song by Joe Satriani – “Ride” – that defines some philosophies of my life –

This clearly is my favorite daily ritual!

Life Happened

AAAAANNNNDDDD We’re done! I just read the last post in my mail box and now I stand on top of every post all of you have published till yesterday. Man this is hard work.

The problem I started to face was the enormity of the task that it had become – reading your posts. It took me forever to complete it everyday, at least 4-5 hours everyday, hours I don’t normally have. A task made harder now that my wife has returned from her holidays, so no extra hours for she needs attention and so do I!

The tasks in the office also peaked to numbers unfathomable for Ā single man to carry out. That meant longer hours at desk, and no reading or blogging there. Which in turn meant I had to catch up with everything and everyone in the meagre hours I have in the evenings – which with my pathetic internet connection is impossible.

6 posts in a week, from which 2 were reblogs. I had to start finding time for writing as well.Ā And hence, started the filtering phase. I’d realized that not all the people who write everyday dedicated any kind of attention to me and I’ve been blindly following them for a long time for no results. So they had to go off from my mail box. And guess what – it took me an entire week to get this done. And now I see fewer posts in my mailbox, better posts from the people who seem to care about my kind of writing more than other lesser things. I know this may hurt others – well wait! Whom will it hurt? People that don’t anyways read my blog… well they can wait! šŸ˜€

For the rest of you, I can probably say – I’m Back and I can’t wait to start writing again!

Story Of My Life

Eyes open,

Gotten ready,

Breakfast Eaten,

Kiss given,

Bike ridden,

Mundane office,

Jokes galore,

Life’s a joke,

Bike ridden back,

Horn honked,

Dog barks,

Home again,

A smiling face,

Lush Lips,

Kiss taken,

Stories shared,

Hunger pangs,

Dinner is served,

Blogs begin,

Bed calls,

Fifty Words Story of my life!


  1. The Hedge | Resident Alien — Being Dutch in America
  2. Spirit ā€“ Spiritless ā€“ Spiritual | Learning From Life
  3. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | theotherpalette
  4. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty Ā« MARGARET ROSE STRINGER
  5. Countdown | zaphnathpaaneah
  6. Fifty | smoothcreminal
  7. The meeting. | chey4412
  8. Weekly Writing Challenge: 50 words of Chagrin | Making Life an Art
  9. Weekly challenge: Fifty | Speaking Voiceless
  10. 50 Word Stories | Words
  11. Weekly Writing Challenge: 50-Word Story | Manx, Tabby and Tortie: my life with cats
  12. My First Fifty | BeLofty
  13. Running in the moment | Behms of light, rays of truth; all in hope . . .
  14. Fifty | getoutamyhead
  15. 50 word challenge | Child Victims Act
  16. The Cat | Conversations Around the Tree
  17. Salad from my garden | Mermaid’s tresses
  18. Diagnosis: In Fifty Words | My Own Champion
  19. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | KiwiBee’s Chaos
  20. ā€œHis Handsā€ | Odyssey of a Novice Writer
  21. 5ifty | Photos by Emilio
  22. Moving | HK’s Huck le Berry
  23. Pills (TRIGGER WARNING) | Feel Good
  24. Fifty-Itsy-Bitsy-Spider | stargazer2110
  25. Fifty words of IT | Victoria.K.Gallagher
  26. The Fifty: Remember | why so serious?
  27. The Music Man | loveletterstoaghost
  28. Chipped Plates | Nonlinear Compilations
  29. Night Stroll | Alexia Jones
  30. Focus | A Search For Freedom
  31. Cobalt Blue Dust | Greaner Pastures
  32. Unfinished | eddyfy
  33. Fifty words and letters | Icezine
  34. Two Offerings ā€“ Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Windchimes and Dreamcatchers
  35. Fifty. Not 49 nor 51. | cockatooscreeching
  36. The Quiet Corridor | Hope, Imagine, Words…
  37. Easter tears | Scent of Rina
  38. Her Searchā€¦ | Lekhikaa’s diary
  39. Ludic Memories: Short | risingrave28
  40. getting there | Stela Verkisto
  41. Fifty-word story | The rattle of hooves
  42. your wordsā€¦ | Work in Progress…
  43. Cinquante / Fifty | Leeloo Rocks
  44. Jack, The Athlete: Dp Challenge | Abysmal Heights
  45. A few minutes outsideā€¦ | PRIORHOUSE blog
  46. of jealousy | Anawnimiss
  47. too regal to reach fifty | litadoolan
  48. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | littlegirlstory
  49. Bahatiā€™s Story | Pen & Shutter
  50. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty ā€“ Robbed Ā« cognitive reflection
  51. The Yellow Bird | Shawn’s Open Journal
  52. Little Cry-Heart (50-Word Story Challenge) | Aphotic Atrocities Inc
  53. Weekly Writing challenge: Fifty ā€“ an age | Deb’s world
  54. Healer | Another Red Letter Day
  55. Fifty NĀ°1 : A tout jamais | La duchesse d’Erat
  56. In My Head With Spring | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  57. Reading for Beginners | Be Less Amazing
  58. Almost perfect job | Life is great
  59. My Best Friend | Starting Write Now
  60. Fifty word challenge: Paris | thoughts with a side of coffee
  61. My life in 50 words: Social justice breathing in the belly of my son every sunrise Ā« psychologistmimi
  62. Fifty Thoughts, all at the Same Time | Le Journal d’un Introverti
  63. Hating Life | the intrinsickness
  64. Amor | Perceptive Pot Clueless Kettle
  65. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Bob’s Blog-O-Rama
  66. Weekly Writing Challenge | Transitions
  67. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Fingerlike
  68. Longing | A picture is worth 1000 words
  69. The Test | the intrinsickness
  70. My First Fifty Of Fear | Fickle Feelings
  71. Fifty Words | Grit & Satin
  72. Shall We Dance? Moments in Caregiving. | The Imperfect Caregiver
  73. The Beautiful Lie | An Upturned Soul
  74. 50 | summer prescott books
  75. Feeling Fifty in Fifty | twenty thirteen
  76. FIFTY ā€“ Weekly Writing Challenge | Stockholm Serendipity
  77. Fifty words ā€“ The questions that make you go hmmm ā€¦ | Purplesus’ Blog
  78. More Than Brevity | Ever Upward
  79. Sheep over the motorway (DPchallenge) | write way up
  80. Is it possible? | struggle2understand
  81. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty Ā« My Cup of Tea
  82. 50 Things | Turn That Radio Up
  83. Bradley | Claud’s Ramblings
  84. [Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty] Third-wave | A Small Press Life
  85. Working on it | British Chick Across The Pond
  86. Weekly writing challenge: Fifty | TWENTY FOURTEEN
  87. Midnight Moon | lemon lime follies
  88. Naptime | mybrightspots
  89. The promise of the rainbow | 2crazylittleboys
  90. First Bite at the Cherry: Weekly Writing Challenge | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  91. Side Orders | Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Holoholo Girls
  92. Apple Kid | Irish Noble King
  93. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Delivering the Eulogy | undefined by design
  94. The last laugh | Bright Journeys
  95. That Bits that Haunt Us | The Word Peddler
  96. WWC: Fifty. | Simple Heart Girl
  97. The Bits that Haunt Us | The Word Peddler
  98. Crow | awkwardgummybear
  99. Fifty Story | Window on my world
  100. I Had A Date | Musings | The Wangsgard
  101. 50 Word Challnege: Dreaming of Ice Cream | Kosher Adobo
  102. Changed her tune | Plan-It Janet
  103. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  104. This weekā€™s journey: First two days in 50 words | Procurrent
  105. Playing By the Rules Insults My Intelligence | Bumblepuppies
  106. Steam for Breakfast | mfourlbyhfourepoetry
  107. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Loin de zanzibar
  108. Fifty | April B
  109. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | In my world
  110. Maybe in June | Artfully Aspiring
  111. Missed Connections | Fish Of Gold
  112. A 50 Words Story: Reaching The Dream | Navigate
  113. Mice | Kate Murray
  114. DPchallenge ā€“ Fifty (March 22) | Spiritual Biscuits
  115. Fifty | Mindful Digressions
  116. alternative | A beetle with earrings
  117. Weekly Writing Challenge ā€“ 50 | jwdwrites
  118. In Spring, She Had Proof! | a contract
  119. Heart | Schneider’s Lines
  120. Dreams Come True
  121. turn the page | eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  122. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty: Jubilee | Angela McCauley
  123. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Lost in Oz- Dorothy Kent
  124. Fiftyā€¦Just Fifty Wordsā€¦ | Blundering through life…
  125. The Time Machine | Eclecticfemale’s Blog
  126. Into the endless blue skies aboveā€¦ | thoughtsofrkh
  127. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | imagination
  128. Fiona the Fairy | Kelly’s Wandering Mind
  129. Cosmic Orange Balls | Sangatak
  130. Five Dishes, No Soul | Vanessa Elliott
  131. My First Fifty | Love.Books.Coffee.
  132. Judgment Day | until the inkwell dries
  133. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty (Neutral Milk Hotel Edition) –
  134. Compass & Quill
  135. Stories from aside
  136. First Fifty | thinkerscap
  137. Thereā€™s a DJ in my Joints | Triumphant Wings
  138. My standard apologyā€¦.in 50 words, no more, no less. | Getting
  139. DCK for Dummies
  140. Dare to Imagine | A mom’s blog
  141. Fifty | Not famous for anything
  142. The Sanctum | The Arctic Tern
  143. Fifty Challenge: She Breathe Her last breath | rayonmd
  144. DP Challenge: Fifty | The Expressible CafƩ
  145. Weekly writing challenge; Fifty words. ā€˜In memoriamā€™ | The hypest blog
  146. Our Mabel | Thin spiral notebook
  147. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Just Be V
  148. Yep! Spring is Here! | My YARDVILLE
  149. Snow | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  150. The Severity of Time | cateritforward
  151. I Dreamed I Lived in Paradise | Between Madness & Euphoria
  152. Dough is Better than ā€œDā€™oh!ā€ (Weekly Writing Challenge) | Anecdotal Tales
  153. The Fifty | scott j kaniewski
  154. Monday Morning Traffic | Wine goes best with a good book
  155. Weekly Writing Challenge: FIFTY | MAGGIE’S BLOG
  156. Love You Laterā€¦ | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
  157. In Fifty: A Bedtime Story | A Navy Wife’s Life
  158. The Worst Kind of Customer | Life in Poetry
  159. Fifty | Wendy Karasin ā€“ Musings of a Boomer
  160. Shades of red | Daily Prompt: Fifty | the Green and White pages
  161. Weekly Writing Challenge ā€“ Fifty | A Playful Venture
  162. Companion | ReFreshing Life
  163. And she waited. | Phoenix Rising
  164. Only 50 Words | Jody Lynne
  165. Skinny stories and cleanse dark days | The year I fu*cked off
  166. Facebook
  167. The Perfect Ring | Snowbird of Paradise
  168. Fifty | B.Kaotic
  169. Among the Whispers
  170. My Fifty (Motherhood) | The Shady Tree
  171. One too many | Erhyme’s Original Blog
  172. a to z: f is for fifty smiles | meraki geek
  173. blathering | Musings of a Random Mind
  174. Ryan Padraig Kelly | Ryan Padraig Kelly
  175. For Infinite Fame, Thank Youā€¦ | Steve Says…
  176. Love Puppies | Mary J Melange
  177. In the beginning | writemybrainsout
  178. The Pillow Fight | Between B and C
  179. Fifty! | My Life
  180. A love story in fifty words | Geeky Book Snob
  181. DPChallenge Fifty ā€“ | xzxJennaxzx
  182. Suicide no. 39: The Glass Girl | derekalanwilkinson
  183. Fifty. | bloodyinkblots
  184. Divorce: A Love Story | My Own Champion
  185. Odyssey: A Fifty Word Challenge | My Own Champion
  186. Next time | When I Grow Up…
  187. Home | A Boy and Life
  188. Fifth-word story | SpringtideCulture.
  189. Fifty Shades of Dismay | Once Upon Your Prime. . .
  190. Seasons of Canada | Stories by Dresii
  191. Windows (Fiction) | Toss the Typewriter
  192. A [short] proposal story | Life of A Fallen Angel
  193. The Night Terrors Without Him | The Shotgun Girls
  194. A Love Story | Between Madness & Euphoria
  195. Department of Motor Vehicles | A lot from Lydia
  196. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Destination Unknown
  197. donā€™t forget this! | you intuitively
  198. Bus rider | wuthering bites
  199. The Everlasting Image | Abstractions of Life
  200. Miscarriage | Caitlyn McConnell
  201. She Brought Him Home | Words From Wellie
  202. The Saga Continuesā€¦ | Love, Support, Educate, Advocate, Accept…
  203. Quiet Please ā€“ Canā€™t You See Iā€™m Recharging? | garden4therapy
  204. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty ā€“ Dead Eyes | A Small Press Life
  205. My First ā€œFiftyā€ | adcwrites
  206. Can you write a Fifty? | The Mrs. Z Files
  207. Daily Struggle | blogginguntilthepaingoesaway
  208. Drabbling ā€“ Rose Glace’s Blog
  209. Just One More Pack | Stories to be Told
  210. Weekly Writing Challenge: 50 | A Maniac’s Menagerie of Motley Thoughts
  211. Sadness is a part of the gifted | Hanoof.k
  212. Enough | Seeing Possibilities
  213. I Miss You (50 words) | Every Smile Has A Reason
  214. Unexpected | ReFreshing Life
  215. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | thoughts and entanglements
  216. He Didnā€™t Leave | moonstonemaiden
  217. Fifty ā€“ WWC | YAP + film
  218. Back! | juliapulia
  219. Fifty ā€“ WWC | the mess keeper
  220. Count to Fifty | The Adventures of Cat Madigan
  221. Count to Fifty | The Adventures of Cat Madigan
  222. 50 Word Exercise ā€“ Silence | Be an Amazing Wife
  223. THREE ART INSPIRED STORIES | Standing Ovation, Seated
  224. Meth Mouth (My First Fifty) | My Side
  225. The Phone Call | ripplesblog
  226. Fifty words: Show me the things Iā€™ve been missing | Project Momentarily
  227. Tripping the baby | thejimmieG
  228. My Fifty | Life beyond graduation
  229. I Hope You Are Happy | Words From Wellie
  230. WWC: Fifty | olivia in la la land
  231. Simply Smitten: A 50 Word Story | Pocket-Sized Musings
  232. Homecoming | jen groeber: mama art
  233. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Sarah’s World
  234. you are slightly late, | y
  235. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Awl and Scribe
  236. A Tea-Bagged Butt Phone Deserves No More Than Fifty Words | I Shit You Knot!
  237. Bridge Out: DPchallenge | mcscriptor
  238. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Crochet Thread
  239. Little matters | Motus Gratia Lux
  240. 50 Word Stories-WordPress Writing Challenge |
  241. Weekly challenge: 50 words | LA From Scratch
  242. From The Ruins: DP Challenge | Abysmal Heights
  243. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | cathieloves
  244. DP Challenge, 50 word story. | Finding That Recipeā€¦
  245. A Story in 50 Words | Life with Tess
  247. Food for thought | Dreams and landscapes
  248. No. 16 ā€“ Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | 50 firsts in my 50th year
  249. Cupcake fairy! | Clouds in my Coffee!
  250. Escape | Butterfly Mind
  251. The Pretty Girl | all my likes
  253. 50 word challenge Ā« Jean-Paul Close’s Blog
  254. Fifty: AEIOU | Khana’s Web
  255. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty #DPChallenge #WritersWednesday | Of Glass & Paper
  256. The Witness: A Fifty-Word Story | melanielynngriffin
  257. always by your side | personal website of mamatha jahnavi
  258. Day 13 ā€“ My first fifty: an attempt at a passage in 50 words! I call
  259. this one ā€˜Impermanenceā€™ | anna’s pursuit of happiness
  260. A Web of Short Stories
  262. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | ??Journey or destination??
  263. Fame Free Angel (DPChallenge) | Capital City of Flowers in the Sky
  264. Weekly Writing Challenge: Night Drive | The Shape of Y
  265. In the dark | Namesake
  266. Justice | the intrinsickness
  267. The Marriage of Two Minds | So Here’s Us…
  268. 50 Wordsā€¦. | Eclectic Alli
  269. 50-Word Stories #138 | boy with a hat
  270. Hazy lines | Random & Real
  271. Life goes onā€¦ as it never ends | The Chaos Within
  272. Running Late | the intrinsickness
  273. I consider myself one of the ā€˜Lucky Onesā€™ā€¦ | DukkSheit Happens……….
  274. Weekly Writing Challenge: Fifty | Voice in Me
  275. Around the Golden Orbs ā€“ Arms Outstretched | A Rambling Compilation of Anecdotes
  276. The 19th of April 1845 ā€“ Albany, New York | Forgotten Correspondence
  277. Not of the World | Clothed with Thunder
  278. Leaving Is Never Easy | Ranger Kaiti May
  279. SnapPost #1 | Life. In Light Of Eternity.
  280. Darkness | Emovere
  281. Train Wreck | Megalomaniac
  282. NUMB-ers | field of thorns
  283. Crashing Dreams | The Silver Leaf Journal
  284. Regret | A Lady in Waiting
  285. Swiss Secrets | A Nerdy Geek’s blog
  286. And the Clocks Tick Maliciously | Leigh’s Wordsmithery
  287. The Mist on the Road | The Silver Leaf Journal
  288. The Fate of Mr. Devereauxā€™s Cello | Polly’s Blog
  289. A Fifty Word Recipe to Saving the World, Almost. | The Uncustomary Housewife
  290. Weekly Challenge ā€“ Fifty | Notes of a Prairie Lotus
  291. The Wisdom of Elephants | WeMoveTogether
  292. Weekly Writing Challenge : Fifty ā€“ ā€œGiftā€ | HavenTales
  293. Fifty ā€“ A writerly Stravaganzza in fifty words | Thinking Languages!
  294. A good ole bloody fifty | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project”
  295. Fifty Words Challenge : Profound | HavenTales
  296. An Unbounded Look | Zigzag Leadership

Bed Talks

What an apt day for this prompt! I was looking to vent out something that happened last night and here cometh the daily prompt!

Wifey left again to visit her parents and her in-laws (my parents) today. I’m alone for next 15 days again but we had a bedtime conversation going after a long time yesterday. Ever since she returned, she was puzzled by my new found love for writing. Actually she’s right to feel this way as nothing comes so easy to me. I procrastinate to levels not known to ordinary humans. I put things off simply because I don’t feel my toes are working perfectly (just a case in point).

We went out to dinner the night she returned, I bought her gifts and we started talking about her experience and when she paused for water, mine too! She had apparently been following my blog from where she was, had grown a bit fond of it. Not delving into how she fared during her vacation, I can tell you what she told me about the results of my break – “You’ve really chilled. You don’t look frazzled. There’s a calmness over you which is helping me wind down too!”.

Then last night, she told me about a demon that she’s been feeding for last 27 years. And I’m thinking how the hell did I miss this about her? Then again, life hasn’t been all hunky dory lately so missing a detail isn’t that big an issue for both of us! She told me how, she has always wanted to emulate a colonel friend of her grand father whom she met when she was just 3. She met him only 3-4 times but considered him as more of her grand father than her actual one (this must really hurt a soul I tell you) and all because he taught her how to carry herself and how to talk to others and things most parents miss these days (ironically her parents missed it too).

Now how does all this relate to today’s prompt? An artist, per me, is someone who elicits responses untold to many a soul themselves. He puts out something that prompts others to empty their own souls when all the while he is himself just emptying his own. Am I an artist?I’m no artist. For I’m no writer (I’m trying to be but am far far away from it), I’m no singer, I’m no player but yet I could, with my demeanor,Ā elicit a response, a thought from my soul mate that she was prepared to hide until told otherwise. I felt proud. I had never had such a deep discussion with her, and she didn’t mind not sleeping at all last night, for she felt light!

Yes, writing is my art, not perfect yet but it’ll do till I can keep my soul mate honest and open with me. I can now see why she always pushed me to get into a different line along with my current industry. Something creative that brought out the good in me. She told me, the way I am today, I can never get someone to like me even if I wanted it the hardest. They’ll never understand me for I’ve built a fort around me and I don’t let anyone in. Trust me people – she’s made her way in already, she just doesn’t know it yet!

Let’s find out the arts of others –

  1. Freedom in a pen | MC’s Whispers
  2. YouTube Clips: Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  3. Jamming | Knowledge Addiction
  4. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  5. The Match (Part 5) 40 Acres | The Jittery Goat
  6. Singing All The Way | Knowledge Addiction
  7. DP Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | Sabethville
  8. Write to Heal | From Hiding to Blogging
  9. Xiā€™an, the Place with Enriched Stories | From Hiding to Blogging
  10. Taipei ā€“ a Mesmerizing City | From Hiding to Blogging
  11. Broken Dreams? | Tale of Two Tomatoes
  12. Daily prompt ā€“ Express yourself! | myjourneyeveryday
  13. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | benjaminsolak
  14. Bed Talks | Views Splash!
  15. The Creator God and His Gift to Us | meanderedwanderings
  16. Express Yourself | Dragon Droppings
  17. Express Yourself | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  18. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself-Is it Childrenā€™s Obligation to Take Care of Their Parents? | Journeyman
  19. I teach! | Purplesus’ Blog
  20. Quadruple Threat [Intimate Sessions] | She Writes
  21. [M.M.X.I.V. 95] The dancing feet | Never A Worry
  22. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  23. Building Blocks of a Project | Photography Journal Blog
  24. More than an Expressionā€¦an Extension of Me | snapshotsofawanderingheart
  25. E Is For Expressing Yourself | My Little Avalon
  26. My Gamesā€¦ | from dusk to dawn….
  27. Creativity in pranks, viruses and retaliation: This weekā€™s weird and wacky news Ā« psychologistmimi
  28. Reach High | Flowers and Breezes
  29. Freedom In Expression | Coffee With Jesus
  30. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | seikaihaā€™s blah-blah-blah
  31. DAILY PROMPT: Express Yourself | Melissa Holden
  32. My dog doesn’t see the point of leg weaves |
  33. 8 things I have to say about debate | Never Stationary
  34. A Small Guest With a Box of Sweets | wisskko’s blog
  35. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | thechangingpalette
  36. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | I Just Like Doing Them | Shawn Daily
  37. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  38. Sunset Over India | Broken Light: A Photography Collective
  39. Daily Prompt Express Yourself : Joy | Angela McCauley
  40. Please Donā€™t Call Me A Writer
  41. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself | Words4jp’s Blog
  42. Therapy | In the Present
  43. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself | That Montreal Girl
  44. Daily Prompt: Express yourself | A cup of noodle soup
  45. Express Yourself | Kimmiecode
  46. Daily prompt: Express yourself! | Go, See, Live
  47. Express Yourself | The Land Slide Photography
  48. you keep me at varying | y
  49. No Such Thing as Self-Expression | Author Laura Lee
  50. Cominā€™ Through the Rye | Speculative Paradigm Shifts
  51. Ex-press-ion | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  52. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself | gracenorcott
  53. my purpose | peacefulblessedstar
  54. Persuing Perfection | The Ravenously Disappearing Woman
  55. Poetry that doesnā€™t challenge my brain | The Salmon Yatra
  56. Oneā€™s Creative Expression | Cats, Coffee, And Life At Random
  57. Creative me | Emovere

Green Eyed Monster

Green Eyed Lady? Me? You? Who?

Damn, this prompt is so easy I’d have answered it in my sleep.

No man ever came close to making me think so. No woman except her ever could! Oh and how she makes you feel so miserable and on your knees all the time, you are crawling, crawling forever, with a craving the size of a dinosaur (or the largest mammal ever whoever that is, think it’s the blue whale) inside your heart. You owe your entire world to her when she hasn’t done anything but moved a tiny single grain of sand in your life. You still are what you forever were, just more miserable. You look like a fool, with that loser expression that says,”You ain’t worth a shit without her”! She turns you into that one “Green Eyed Monster“!

Yes, the one that gives me a green eye, the one, the only one that makes me think “I wish I was not me” is – my wife!

She has a way of living life that can make most husbands jealous and all of you gents (married or unmarried), you can say thanks to your dear lords that she isn’t your wife and all this misery was personally handed to me by her father!

She has a way of living life, way that I can only probably write about. I can always experience it from her but never live it myself, so pre-occupied with the shit of the world that I am. She is free in her head. No rules hold any meaning to her unless explained and she be satisfied. Rules bind her spirit. Rules kill her instinct. She learns like only she can.

I so wish I was her, free from the world. Living her own dream. The world works just for her making us her tools. Her notions are different. She is very emotional, but strong.Ā I am emotional too but I just don’t know how to handle it, so I hide it, somewhere safe in the corner of my brain, so I never come across as weak. Only she knows it and my family too but I’m not too sure about them.

She has clarity in thoughts like a crystal, some of us only dream of having it. I just so wish I will someday explain my world to her, the way she has made hers, very evident! Till then, hell yeah and down right “JEALOUS”!

  1. The Match (Part 4) Rustyā€™s Destination | The Jittery Goat
  2. Self-Defeating Beliefs
  3. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  4. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | Bob’s Blog-O-Rama
  5. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | MedinaQue
  6. DP Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | Sabethville
  7. Daily Prompt: Green Eyed Lady | Purplesus’ Blog
  8. Dirty Envy | In the Present
  9. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady Ā« cognitive reflection
  10. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  11. Green-Eyed Lady | The Nameless One
  12. Daily Prompt: Green-eyed Lady | imagination
  13. Green-Eyed Lady | God Through My Eyes
  14. Evil Queens & coffee beans
  15. Daily Prompt: Jealousy | A Day In The Life
  16. Reciprocal | The River Mom
  17. of wickedness | Anawnimiss
  18. Wake Up Oā€™ Sleeping Stone | The Write Web
  19. Daily prompt: Green-eyed monster | Go, See, Live
  20. I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  21. Aces Ā« Averil Dean
  22. NaPoWriMo Day 4: ā€œSmittenā€ | arakawa fiction
  23. Bass Speaker | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  24. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | A Note From Jenn
  25. Jealousy: Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  26. Leave Me Free | Flowers and Breezes
  27. From Time To Time | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  28. How do they do it? | A mom’s blog
  29. Daily Prompt: Green Eyed Lady | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  30. Nonsense | Life is great
  31. Green All Over | meanderedwanderings
  32. iā€™m just a jealous guy | eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  33. The Green-Eyed Monster | Elementary Verse
  34. Green-Eyed Monster | Elementary Verse
  35. Daily prompt šŸ™‚ Green eyed Lady | myjourneyeveryday
  36. Daily Prompt from WordPress: HEY-O Jealousy – That’s My Answer
  37. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | My Atheist Blog
  38. Daily Prompt ā€“ Green-Eyed Lady | hometogo232
  39. If I Have to Choose One Thing that Makes me Jealous | wisskko’s blog
  40. Iā€™m Jealous of Chris Potterā€™s Coffee Mates
  41. The Difference Between Cats and Humans is ā€¦ Sleep | My Two Cats
  42. #NaPoWriMo2014 ā€œAs long as I have wordsā€ Day 4 | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project”
  43. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady- The Path to Freedom and Fear | Journeyman
  44. Daily Prompt: Being Jealous! | All Things Cute and Beautiful
  45. Me Jealous? Sadly, Yes. | Emotional Fitness
  46. Daily Prompt: My eyes turn green when I see him with her. | Ipso ā€¢ facto
  47. With wild cat designs comes love, passion and jealousy !! | The Seminary of Praying Mantis
  48. Sometimes my eyes are just a little more green than usual | One Educator’s Life
  49. I Donā€™t Always Get Jealousā€¦ā€¦. | djgarcia94
  50. I Need To Talk To The Person In Charge Of Changing Humans Into Dogs | meg lago
  51. Green eyed lady | Boundaries and Edges
  52. NaPoWriMo Day 4 Poem ~~ Jealousy | To Breathe is to Write
  53. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | Diary of Dennis
  54. Haves vs Have Nots | Emovere
  55. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | Ramblings of A Nonsensical Nerd
  56. Caught in the Act! | LenzExperiments
  57. Daily Prompt: Green-eyed lady | This is who I am…
  58. Green Eyed Lady | Destino
  59. Skinny Selfies | vic briggs
  60. The Game | La Gatita Oscura
  61. The Emperorā€™s new clothes. | Trucker Turning Write
  62. A Big One | Overcoming Bloglessness
  63. Green-Eyed Lady | c21stguinevere
  64. Wise Words ā€“ Steve Jobs | The Salmon Yatra
  65. Envy | Writing on the Spot
  66. Oklahoma Rose | The Shotgun Girls
  67. Lovers In A Box
  68. Green-Eyed Monster | The Writerā€™s Block
  69. I Covet No More | RosieSmrtiePants
  70. Green Eyed Monster Jealousy | Late Bloomer Liz
  71. Never Jealousā€¦Much | My Author-itis
  72. Daily prompt: Greenā€™s my favourite colour, butā€¦ | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  73. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | Basically Beyond Basic
  74. Short Story: Green-Eyed Lady | Paisley Imprint

Welcome Back!

I’d always wondered how a canary would look like in my balcony? That wonderful friend who’d chirp with me every day tripping me into that joyful zone when I need it the most?

Yes, my canary returned to my balcony today. She’s free, singing, and even more wonderfully colorful. She’s dropped a lot of her emotional baggage. She’s totally made my day. I see her and I see light. She’s chirping better, loving better, laughing even better, and best of all looks prettier. The marks of stress have vanished, lost to the oceans and the harsh sun. I finally see fun and hell, feel it too.

The life’s returned and it’s refreshed.

Welcome back baby with those beaded and braided hair, tanned skin, that fresh Goan glow, and… and you’ve got no perfume on! Your smell has changed. You’ve thinned. You’ve done total justice to your vacation. You’ve proved me wrong. Oh how I doubted your ability to take care of yourself. I hail your spirit and will and promise to make things better – for us!

I love the way you’ve sorted yourself out, pinpointed your flaws and worked on them. You’ve gotten quieter, softer, and saner. You seem clearer in your head about what you want and how you want to get it, and hence, I’m finding my task easier. Trust me, it never has been.

Again, WELCOME BACK and now let’s get on to creating our own new horizon and a world to go with it with a renewed vigor!

Lets see what people think –

  1. Thirteen Time Zones Away and Still Side by Side | Kosher Adobo
  2. Neurosis From A to Z | The Jittery Goat
  3. From My Heart, with Love | From Hiding to Blogging
  4. Born to be With You ā€“ Bess you is my woman now. (Daily Prompt) | Roving Bess
  5. Bitten by the Love Bug!! [Wish Come True] | She Writes
  6. Daily Prompt: Born To be With You -Psychology Behind Choosing To Like People We Met | Journeyman
  8. Daily Prompt: Born to Be With You | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  9. Born To Be With You | The Magic Black Book
  10. DP Daily Prompt: Born to Be With You | Sabethville
  11. Born to be With You | Faith, Life and Compassion
  12. Be the Edward to my Vivian | Expressions
  13. Daily Prompt: Born to Be With You | seikaihaā€™s blah-blah-blah
  14. About a Panda | jigokucho
  15. Drama queen | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  16. Layers | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  17. Love, Life and Loss | MC’s Whispers
  18. My Soul Mate: Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  19. Iā€™m On Riot ! | Life Confusions
  20. Yearning for The One : a misguided human quest? Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  21. She Loves Me | My Author-itis
  22. The one I loveā€¦ | Life Sans God
  23. Born To Be With You (Daily Prompt) | Wordy Wings
  24. Recharging the Cell Phone | The Zombies Ate My Brains
  25. people let me tell you about my best friend | eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  26. Born To Be With You | The Giardino Journey
  27. Opposites Attract! | meanderedwanderings
  28. An ode to a soul mate who doesnā€™t exist | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project”
  29. He is the soul-mate becauseā€¦. | The Gilded Lotus
  30. Cradle Ā« Averil Dean
  31. My Sun, My Life | Flowers and Breezes
  32. In Step with an Angel | Speculative Paradigm Shifts
  33. The Rainbow Of My Life | The Insight of a young soul
  34. Born to be with You: Daily Post | Destino
  35. This Kid I Know: Michelle | Never Stationary
  36. How To Be A Best Friend | Never Stationary
  37. Zip you lips because loose lips sink ships | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  38. ā€œGive her the truth serum, NOW!ā€ | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  39. Daily Prompt: Born to Be With You | My Atheist Blog
  40. Soul Mates | Kate Murray
  41. Born to be with you | Asianchemnerd
  42. Let Me Tell You a Secret | Out From Under the Umbrella
  43. Every Fiber of my Being | The Ravenously Disappearing Woman
  44. My ā€˜virtualā€™ best friend | Prompt Me Please
  45. Born to be with you? | An adventure? Alpaca my bags.
  46. An Open Letter To My Person | Sloppy Etymology
  47. Love Crime, Acts of Love, and wacky love bits: this weekā€™s weird news Ā« psychologistmimi
  48. we go together like a bird and a feather | the REmissionary
  49. Mr.Know-It-All | bratz626
  50. Dear Stephen, | 1+1-1=0
  51. The swale and the swirl of now. | The Seminary of Praying Mantis
  52. Daily Prompt: Born to Be With you | daniellemcfarlane
  53. Soulmate: BornToBeWithYou Daily Prompt | Starting Write Now
  54. Daily Prompt: Born to Be With You | Basically Beyond Basic
  55. How I Met My Beast, My Love, My Christopher | My Renaissance Blog
  56. My Person | Yellow Brick Road
  57. Daily Prompt: Born to Be With You | Incidents of a Dysfunctional Spraffer
  58. Born to be with youā€¦. | myjourneyeveryday
  59. Heā€™s Got it Goinā€™ On | Ms. Raven Marie
  60. Doorsteps and Parking Lots | loveletterstoaghost
  61. in Intro to Anatomy, | y
  62. Daily Prompt ā€“ Born to be With You | hometogo232
  63. Daily prompt: Born to be with me | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  64. Circle of Love | Wiley’s Wisdom
  65. Whatā€™s a girl gonna do without a best friend? I have no idea because I have 3 šŸ™‚ | One Educator’s Life
  66. Daily Prompt: Born to Be With You | Nola Roots, Texas Heart
  67. Strong Bond with Her | wisskko’s blog
  68. Someone Else Would Do | Overcoming Bloglessness
  69. Something So Strong: BFF | FREE BIRD
  70. Surprise Love of my Life | C Life, Live Life
  71. Born to Be With You | Tonkadella’s Things in Life
  72. Daily Prompt: Born to Be With You | Here I am !!

Mutts in Love

The mornings seem to last forever now. Never have I roamed around in my house, watched the dawn, and done things other than necessary. I miss it even when I live in it. It’s all a dream.

Each morning starts with my favorite silhouette at the door. The shadow of her hand slowly caressing my forehead to wake me up. I don’t. I can’t. I’m already awake. I see it happen. But then a snap and I smell lovely breakfast. 2 mutts madly in love with the same woman. She feeds them both. One leaves for office while the other stays wagging his tail.

Remembering the same unperturbed love, true to its center, when all beliefs made sense. The smell of the breakfast: breaking my fall into a mindless abyss, that smile: breaking my heart into a flutter, that kiss: the longest 30 seconds of my life (that I got everyday), that music: breaking my day into one fabulous song.

WonderfulĀ memoriesĀ and how they’re all turning true now. Life’s come a full circle!

Memories –

  1. Oh Spinghar ā€“ I miss you dearly | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  2. Last wish | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  3. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  4. reflections | yi-ching lin photography
  5. Dubai Art Season ā€“ SIKKA14 | Rima Hassan
  6. The day Agatha became my friend | Hope* the happy hugger
  7. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember- Psychological Analysis of Memories | Journeyman
  8. The Daily Prompt and a Short Story Named ā€œLobeā€ | The Jittery Goat
  9. The One That Could Have Been [Ndifreke’s Story] | She Writes
  10. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | Endurance Training Institute
  11. Those Moments I Will Never Forget | Musings | WANGSGARD
  12. Impressions of poverty | AS I PLEASE
  13. The Memories of Stumping my doctor this past year: If everything goes into slow motion, my pain may just evaporate Ā« psychologistmimi
  14. Memorable momentsā€¦ | Kate Murray
  15. A Single Moment | melissuhhsmiles
  16. The most memorable moment in my childhood | wisskko’s blog
  17. DP Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | Sabethville
  18. Memoriesā€¦ | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  19. An evening of lovely moments: Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  20. Moments to remember | Attempted Human Relations and Self
  21. Moments to Remember: Makeover, Healing, & Traveling | Wander, Don’t Wonder
  22. I Remember ::E.N.Howie’s Motivational Moments
  23. The Memory Remains | Knowledge Addiction
  24. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | Basically Beyond Basic
  25. Lost Logres of Love: Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  26. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | new2writing
  27. Amber Ā« Averil Dean
  28. Daily Prompt ā€“ Moments | The Wandering Poet
  29. Daily prompt ~ moments to remember ~ illicit love & pain! | Eclectic odds n sods
  30. Memorable Moments-Daily Prompt | A Day In The Life
  31. Moments to Remember | The Nameless One
  32. Daily Prompts: Moments to Remember | A Note From Jenn | A Note From Jenn | Personal Blog | Interests | Daily Me
  33. memories may be beautiful and yet | eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  34. Daily Prompts: Moments to Remember | A Note From Jenn | Personal Blog | Interests | Daily Me
  35. Not Long After Your Birth | Writing and Works
  36. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | Kathy’s Blog: Healing from the Loss of a Parent
  37. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember (out of the 931,305,600 seconds Iā€™ve lived thus farā€¦) | Life’s So Sweet
  38. Daily prompt: Moments to Remember | My name is Ellie and this is who I am.
  39. Memories of becoming a behavioral scientist advocate during these past ten years | Institute for Hispanic Health Equity
  40. A Grandfatherā€™s Final Words of Wisdom | The Flavored Word
  41. Once ~ Moments To Remember ~ Daily Prompt | joannebest
  42. Memories Muscles
  43. Moments to Remember | Human Relationships
  44. Moments to Remember | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  45. Nuts and Feet | cateritforward
  46. Moments to Remember | Life is great
  47. Some moments in the form of other posts | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project”
  48. Top 3 All-Time Memorable Memories That I Remember (Mostly) | Everyday Michelle: Living Wholeheartedly
  49. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember Ā« Mama Bear Musings
  50. Daily Prompt: Three most Memorable Moments | Dylan Grace
  51. My three big moments to remember | Kat and her Blog
  52. Journeying Back In Time | The Pagal Banjaara
  53. Most Memorable Moments | One Educator’s Life
  54. Life is Memorable Moments | Live Life in Crescendo
  55. Lives to Remember. | 1+1-1=0
  56. Moments to Remember | Real Life Co.
  57. Folios of ā€œIā€™m sorryā€™sā€ | thejimmieG
  58. Three moments Iā€™ll never forget! | The Insight of a young soul
  59. Daily Prompt: Our 3 Moments to Remember | My Outlook on the World
  60. Memorable. | Simple Heart Girl
  61. What I remember | Passionate Dreaming
  62. The Past is Past and Yet It Lasts | meanderedwanderings
  63. Daily prompt: Moments to remember | Love your dog
  64. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | My Atheist Blog
  65. Memorable Moments | Ramblings from a Frazzled Mind
  66. Memorable Moments ā€“ Moments to remember daily prompt. | What Katy Thought.
  67. Moments Etched in my Memory | My Weary Heart
  68. Hear No Evil ā€“ See No Evil ā€“ A Flash Fiction | My Little Avalon
  69. Daily Prompt: Remember That Time Whenā€¦ | Cabernet In The Dark
  70. Memorable Moments | Deliberating Dave
  71. Daily Prompt: March 25 | Balmy Life
  72. I Created A Human | ā€¦Properly Ridiculousā€¦
  73. Memories Lost and Found | Curious to the MAX
  74. Moments that Matter | snapshotsofawanderingheart
  75. These Are the Moments: The First Day of School | thanks for letting me autograph your cat
  76. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | Jubilee Journey
  77. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | hlpetersen
  78. Moments to Remember | donikabajrami
  79. Daily Prompt : Moments to remember | Loin de zanzibar
  80. In which I have no original ideas |
  81. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | That Montreal Girl
  82. ic/ac/dc | Trucker Turning Write
  83. Three moments | Mario Types
  84. Reflections | U Be Cute – Follow the child inside of you…
  85. Daily Prompt: Moments to Rememberā€¦. | Kawanee’s Korner
  86. Do You Remember These? | Hokie Thoughts
  87. Memories, Not Dreams – Compass & Quill
  88. Moments to Remember | manmadeoceans
  89. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | eyes like glass
  90. Memorable | The Urban Dr. Mom
  91. My Memory Mosaic | Wiley’s Wisdom
  92. Moments | Overcoming Bloglessness
  93. Daily Prompt: Moment to Remember | Morrighan’s Muse
  94. Flowers of Balboa Park | When the Door Closes
  95. Small Moments Of Glory | jsleflore
  96. Daily prompt: Moments to remember | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  97. Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember | Writing Canvas
  98. Where did March go? | Songs Of Support
  99. Daily prompt: Remember those moments | itsmayurremember

Should I Ask Her Out Again?

I dedicate this song to that string in every heart that plucks when something breath-taking passes by your eyes!

Don’t get hooked ‘coz the best is yet to come! šŸ˜€

I dedicate this song to my wife, for every once in a while I feel I should’ve grown up with her, known her, loved her from that very first sight and told her only when time was second perfect! Oh I wish! Man I’m so full of love tonight… it’s incredible!

Is the time right? Why am I so terrified and yet some chords are easing the breathing, should I ask her out again?


  1. Swirling in the Time of Internet | Kosher Adobo
  2. Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore- The Psychology of Changes in Love | Journeyman
  3. Princess | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  4. Missing that tune | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  5. Eddie And Flipper, Reverse Revolution | The Jittery Goat
  6. If you love to walk | Š£ŃŠ»ŃƒŠ³Šø ŠæŠµŃ€ŠµŠ²Š¾Š“чŠøŠŗŠ° – Š°Š½Š³Š»ŠøŠ¹ŃŠŗŠøŠ¹ яŠ·Ń‹Šŗ
  7. Too Good To Be True | Ventures | WANGSGARD
  8. Too Good To Be True | Musings | WANGSGARD
  9. passion | yi-ching lin photography
  10. Love And Linger ā€“ A Vibrational Experience | Shrine of Hecate – Ramblings of a New Age Witch
  11. you leave | y
  12. DP Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore | Sabethville
  13. Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore | seikaihaā€™s blah-blah-blah
  14. Daily prompt: Amore | The Wandering Poet
  15. This one is easy. | What?????
  16. Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore Ā« Mama Bear Musings
  17. Michael [Poem] [reblog] | She Writes
  18. Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore | cockatooscreeching
  19. Start Cueing Up the 1812 Overture, Here Come the Fireworksā€¦ | Eyes Through The Glass ā€“ A Blog About Asperger’s
  20. how we met, fell in love, broke up, got back together, had a baby & got married | the hilarious pessimist
  21. Thatā€™s Amore Haiku | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  22. Love Story? What Love Story? | jigokucho
  23. She Loved Me First ::E.N.Howie’s Motivational Moments
  24. okay. | a study in coincidences.
  25. My non-relationship relationship related entry! | thoughtsofrkh
  26. If One Day Love Comes Alongā€¦ | B.Kaotic
  28. ā€˜Iā€™ve got a safety-pin stuck in my heartā€¦ā€™ My Amour since 1977ā€¦ | ALIEN AURA’S BlOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  29. A LIFE BORN FROM MUD | Hastywords
  30. A moonā€™s memory | shame
  31. My Love Story. | Asta’s Space
  32. Daily Prompt: Love Story | A Day In The Life
  33. Love and (Chicken) Wings | A Blog of One’s Own
  34. My Great Love | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  35. Great Love | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  36. Its A Love Storyā€¦.Baby Just Sayā€¦YES ! | Life Confusions
  37. a haiku ..a cinquain about albertā€™s thwarted love for clara | eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  38. Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  39. Weaker Past But Getting Stronger For The Future | Navigate
  40. Anne Boy | I solemnly swear i am upto no good!
  41. Shore-break | Charron’s Chatter
  42. Your love was a seed | Altared Egos
  43. aah my blank love storyā€¦. | from dusk to dawn….
  44. It Ends | Flowers and Breezes
  45. ā€œRelationshipā€ Now Arriving at Imaginination Station | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
  46. ā€œRelationshipā€ Now Arriving at Imagination Station | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
  47. Thatā€™s Amore ā€“ MissShy and Separate Beds (Daily Prompt Challenge) | Ana Linden
  48. My Girl | The Shotgun Girls
  49. Five Things People Say To Social Workers
  50. On Being an Anecdote | Elizabeth Merritt Abbott
  51. A Different Kind of Love Story | Ramblings from a Frazzled Mind


Yeah I’m bitten. I have a secret love bug that bites my ass each time I see a beautiful woman. It’s true, so true that you can see me scratch a cheek that very moment – yeah yeah, that shy dirty way, swaying my head away so no one notices me! I have a nasty habit of staring at things that grab my attention and that includes women. I see them till I’ve noted everything. Nope not in a bad way at all, in fact, as my wife will tell you now, it’s in my nature to seek details – whichever sense they entail.

Homing in on 5 years of marriage and it still holds true. I’ve never stopped staring at women, I guess I never will. What has changed though, is the women don’t change now, they’re none but one, she’s the one and only one – my wife. She doesn’t mind me doing any of the rotten stuff that I do, except the real disgusting ones, for she is my center of attraction all the time and oh how she loves attention!

Not that I went anywhere but home when I was single, but then it was sheer habit. After marriage though, it isn’t any habit, but her that I come home for. Such is the hurry, colleagues hardly see me in office after 7. Straight, without a thought, at the gate, honk, shrek barks, and I see her as I enter my home, all fresh, smelling flowers or strawberries, turns all of thatĀ shitty day right around – trust me!

I’ve also noticed that I fall head over heels for women with power, in any form. And she’s nothing but power. Power to attract, power to charm, power to talk, power to love, power, power, power!

I’ll let you in on a secret, shhh, quiet down, yes you, the one munching, else she’ll hear me – I do really weird stuff to grab her attention. I think she doesn’t know it yet or she does and I’m the fool again, but the point is, I often throw tantrums just to grab her attention, her eyes as she walks by, as she cooks, as she watches TV.

I love you baby – although I have no clue what love is. I just hope it never changes!

Lets find who amore for whom –

  1. Swirling in the Time of Internet | Kosher Adobo
  2. Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore- The Psychology of Changes in Love | Journeyman
  3. Princess | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  4. Missing that tune | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  5. Eddie And Flipper, Reverse Revolution | The Jittery Goat
  6. If you love to walk | Š£ŃŠ»ŃƒŠ³Šø ŠæŠµŃ€ŠµŠ²Š¾Š“чŠøŠŗŠ° – Š°Š½Š³Š»ŠøŠ¹ŃŠŗŠøŠ¹ яŠ·Ń‹Šŗ
  7. Too Good To Be True | Ventures | WANGSGARD
  8. Too Good To Be True | Musings | WANGSGARD
  9. passion | yi-ching lin photography
  10. Love And Linger ā€“ A Vibrational Experience | Shrine of Hecate – Ramblings of a New Age Witch
  11. you leave | y
  12. DP Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore | Sabethville
  13. Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore | seikaihaā€™s blah-blah-blah
  14. Daily prompt: Amore | The Wandering Poet
  15. This one is easy. | What?????
  16. Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore Ā« Mama Bear Musings
  17. Michael [Poem] [reblog] | She Writes
  18. Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore | cockatooscreeching
  19. Start Cueing Up the 1812 Overture, Here Come the Fireworksā€¦ | Eyes Through The Glass ā€“ A Blog About Asperger’s
  20. how we met, fell in love, broke up, got back together, had a baby & got married | the hilarious pessimist
  21. Thatā€™s Amore Haiku | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  22. Love Story? What Love Story? | jigokucho
  23. She Loved Me First ::E.N.Howie’s Motivational Moments
  24. okay. | a study in coincidences.
  25. My non-relationship relationship related entry! | thoughtsofrkh
  26. If One Day Love Comes Alongā€¦ | B.Kaotic
  28. ā€˜Iā€™ve got a safety-pin stuck in my heartā€¦ā€™ My Amour since 1977ā€¦ | ALIEN AURA’S BlOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  29. A LIFE BORN FROM MUD | Hastywords
  30. A moonā€™s memory | shame
  31. My Love Story. | Asta’s Space
  32. Daily Prompt: Love Story | A Day In The Life
  33. Love and (Chicken) Wings | A Blog of One’s Own
  34. My Great Love | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  35. Great Love | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  36. Its A Love Storyā€¦.Baby Just Sayā€¦YES ! | Life Confusions
  37. a haiku ..a cinquain about albertā€™s thwarted love for clara | eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  38. Daily Prompt: Thatā€™s Amore | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  39. Weaker Past But Getting Stronger For The Future | Navigate
  40. Anne Boy | I solemnly swear i am upto no good!
  41. Shore-break | Charron’s Chatter
  42. Your love was a seed | Altared Egos

To My Family!

I don’t think I need to tell anyone what denial is. I was in denial – all my life. I can safely say that I’m more than three-quarters through my life now and I have no one else than my family to thank. I don’t know what love is! I’ve never known love but I believe it’s a strange combination of respect, responsibility, care, and detailing. And I guess that’s what me and my family have. That cocktail of aforementioned ingredients that binds us.

The two late comers in our family, my wife and my brother’s wife, they were I think destined to share their lives with us. Now they are what me and brother are, to my parents. A simple enough structure, no joint family, phew! The kind of people we all are, only 2 out of 6 are extroverts – dad and my wife! The way we take care of each other is very unique – for me it is! But I feel all families are unique in their own little ways.

Just want to say – I love you all and be around like you always are. This bugger needs you sometimes – OK, all the time!

I’ll Take Care

So something authentic and mind churning came my way today in a text message –

No matter where you come from and when you start, your dreams are valid“.

My wife sent it to me. She told me that she was well applauded for her quote and even received a gift! Congrats Baby!

She went on to ask me, what I think of it? I liked it!

I think it speaks tons of what’s in her mind and how dear are her dreams to her heart.

I’ll tell you a few things about her that are necessary to know her. She is a dreamer of course. If you’ll ask her what’s her greatest dream, she’ll say – I want to be famous. If you’ll ask her what does she think about money, she’ll say – I don’t need much (which sometimes can be very tricky to comprehend, mind you). šŸ˜‰

Back to the dreams though, she really does want to be famous. She loves colors, hates routines, loves comfort, hates dullness. She is in fact so much like a kid, you can see her expression change when things are not going according to her and the smiling coming back, when things do. Her head turns away from anything she doesn’t like much. She’s full of energy when she gets to smile, laugh and spread some and yet has none that’s expendable, to perform mundane tasks at home.

For some reason, the exciting never escapes her. She has a nose for it and it gets very perilous sometimes. The sudden clicks in her head can get so unnerving, she gets very difficult to cope with.

None of these are problems, mind you! She is a human being. She loves fun and is very open about it. She has a very unique mind that just doesn’t accept haze, for haze handicaps her. She hates confusions, loves frank and open discussions and if she gets her mind at some task, you can rest assured, it will be done.

She wants to do so much and is always on a prowl to do something unique. She’s brilliant at getting things done. She loves everyone and everything till they give her a reason for the otherwise.

I believe if I ask her what are your plans for later, she’ll reply –

“I want to continue with fashion. I want to indulge in social work. I want to start writing my book (that she plans to publish in 5 years). I want switch to a new house. I want to earn more. I want to move out of Delhi”.

If you eavesdrop on some of her client calls, all talks are big and about the ginormous steps towards the unthinkable. I’ve heard so many of her calls, and each one has one thing in common – she’ll always make sure that you are never at the losing end.

There are never intricate details at any moment. Nothing is planned to the last detail and that’s her achilles heel.

And this is where the quote in her mind comes from. She doesn’t know when and where to start working on her dreams and yet she knows they’re forever valid (which they are and will remain).

You don’t have to doubt yourselves sweetheart. Things will be alright. Trust me they will be because I’ll take care. šŸ˜‰

Trackbacks & Pingbacks –

  1. Pilot and Pirate | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  2. Conclusion | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  3. Ilya Fostiy. Amnesia | The Bliss of Reality
  4. What Is This? | Exploratorius
  5. Perspective & The Daily Prompt | The Jittery Goat
  6. Daily Prompt: Talking on Your Sleep-Psychology behind gossiping | Journeyman
  7. DP Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep | Sabethville
  8. Being A Mentor | Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep | Being a Huntress
  9. The Door Opens Hard | Mara Eastern
  10. Human vs. Humans | Rose-tinted Rambles
  11. Chest-speared: poem | ALIEN AURA’S BlOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  12. layered | yi-ching lin photography
  13. ā€œYou can be so annoyingā€ | Hope* the happy hugger
  14. we can call it an | y
  15. Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  16. Remember where you came fromā€¦ | Rima Hassan
  17. DAILY PROMPT: Accidental listening | cockatooscreeching
  18. Getting to the end and realising youā€™re way off topic. Again. | thoughtsofrkh
  19. I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  20. From the Whorseā€™s Mouth | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  21. The One with the Eavesdropping | Jackie Cangro
  22. Overheard at the Miami doctorā€™s officeā€¦ | Myammy! Moving in together at 50…
  23. Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep | Basically Beyond Basic
  24. In One Ear And Out The Other | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  25. A Hotel Survivors Guide to Mischief | Green Embers
  26. On Colonics or Why You Shouldnā€™t Assume People Donā€™t Understand You | Kosher Adobo
  27. In Time For Dinner | Writing and Works
  28. I See Nothing, I Hear Nothing, I Know Nothing | My Author-itis
  29. Talking in a bus | Life is great
  30. Accidentally Hearing about Accidentally Walking (Daily Prompt Challenge) | Ana Linden
  31. Daily Prompt: Being a Spy! | All Things Cute and Beautiful
  32. Things I say in my sleep. | Sticky Notes and Coffee
  33. I Ainā€™t Been Dropping No Eaves! | meanderedwanderings
  34. My Heart Breaks | Flowers and Breezes
  35. Iā€™ll Take Care | Views Splash!
  36. Words Not Meant For Me | snapshotsofawanderingheart
  38. Daily Prompt: Talking in your sleep. | Emotional Fitness
  39. Minutely Infinite | Box Of Secrets
  40. Story of My Life. | Asta’s Space
  41. Excuse Me While I Eavesdrop On You | Musings | WANGSGARD
  42. Daily Prompt: More Than Just A Pretty Face (Nonet) | Morrighan’s Muse
  43. Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep | marilynrayknopic
  44. Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  45. Everybody should eavesdrop once in a whileā€¦ | An Upturned Soul
  46. Donā€™t pee when you talk to me! | The Salmon Yatra
  47. Talking in My Sleep | A Room of My Own
  48. Overheard | A picture is worth 1000 words
  49. Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project”
  50. talking in your sleep | klstar2000
  51. The Art of Stealth Listening | djgarcia94
  52. Talking in Your Sleep | The Nameless One
  53. Color | charlottesville winter
  54. We Got Company Cominā€™ | The Shotgun Girls
  55. Acidic | High Yellow Darling
  56. (Whatā€™s The Story) Morning Gloryā€¦? | Steve Says…
  57. Dream talk | Kate Murray
  58. Things I Say | Mila’s Misadventures
  59. Daily Prompt: Talking in your sleep| Your friend may turn out to be your worst enemy | viCKaakin
  60. Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep | Occasional Stuff
  61. Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep | Just Be V
  62. Mistaken | La Gatita Oscura
  63. Accident Waiting to Happen | Travel with Intent
  64. Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep | Here I am !!
  65. Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep | Lady K’s Lounge
  66. Bless me Father. | Trucker Turning Write
  67. Gossip | My Little Avalon
  68. Manager Failing | missmoodygirl
  69. Spelling accident (Daily Prompt: ā€œTalking In Your Sleep, Show us ACCIDENTā€) | Photo0pal Photography
  70. Overheard | belindabroughton
  71. Holy Grail | Lux
  72. Daily Prompt : Accident | That Montreal Girl
  73. Beer, Punditry, and Self-Satisfaction | Serial Distractions
  74. How to keep your kids smiling | Parents Are People Too


Roses For You
Roses For You

I start my day and the first thing that pops up in my mind – How will it be at office today? Will I get to spend some time with just myself from the schedule or I’d scour the day looking at a black and green screen?

Which one holds more meaning? What is it that I seek in a day that makes it worthwhile? Should I round-up a couple of gangsters and hand them over to cops? Social service – Naaahhh! Whatever they do, it’s their business. I alone can’t make this world a better place but I’ll do whatever I can using my PC. They will pay for their deeds sometime in this life – Karma, remember?

So what do I do? I spend so much time against a screen that I’ve got to find my meaning right here, on this screen. But how do I trigger that sequence that leads me to my purpose everyday?

A friend once asked me – “How did you come to know that you wanted to write? How did you get this wake up call all of a sudden? You never talked about it, said a word about blogging and how did blogging ever make way into your routine?”.

I looked at him blankly and we kept trudging. I’ve since then analyzed my days and activities and come up with the following summary –

My PC gives me all the kicks during the day. It’s my sole connect to the planet. A planet filled with pictures, music, news, and things that build and improve my perception towards life.

So what gives “meaning” to my day?Ā Writing a great piece of code, learn something new in technology, a great blog post, a deep thought, a well narrated story, a beautiful song, heart warming comments from my readers, or a beautiful kiss from my wife. Yes, that’s my answer.

These are things that plant a smile on my face for the rest of the day. My possession. I’m possessed and obsessed by these. These are what make my life what it is now. They are my source of daily inspiration. To keep working hard, trying harder and enjoying success the hardest.

I would never give up on them, will you? What are your possessions?

Mulling and Mauling

Too Many Questions and No Answers
Too Many Questions and No Answers

I’m all smiles now. After 13 years away from my parents and a lot of struggle to make a living and surviving on it, trying to prove myself in every sphere of life, is it too much to ask for satisfaction?

Not asking for too much, can this perturbed soul be granted freedom? Let some spirit come and take my soul away. Free it. Let it find satisfaction for it is clearly not possible while living on this planet. This isn’t a post in depression but happiness.

For once in my life I imagined a good place, good people, satisfactory job and a happy family. All these days, especially the past few years, I’ve been so busy stabilizing my life from the earlier jolts, that I could only now let my spirit run free and try to look on the other side.

What I live now isn’t too bad. It’s just undisciplined monotony. The one that gives me enough sleeping hours to keep by brain sane. Nothing except that is stable. The list of “must-dos” just doesn’t seem to shorten. The long nights never let an early morning pavĆ© its way into my routine. I’m getting so obsessed with blogging, I keep thinking of things to write about, even in my dreams. And hence the long nights.

Is writing my goal? Not sure but I’m giving it a serious thought these days. I’m not a very versatile writer but am good enough to make a living writing for small town newspapers I guess. Small little things that don’t need heavy-duty vocabulary and as I get better, things could move further. Yes, I’m thinking of an alternate career with no pedigree to show for it. It’ll have to start small, very small. But these are just thoughts.

Then I oughtĀ to have kids too. Family’s gonna grow. Wife’s got to have a stable career. And this is when my bubble bursts. Why do I have to think about anything else when I’m already doing pretty good in my current profession? I need something else to do. I’m blogging yes but it isn’t exactly a source of income, is it? I am the lone earner in my family and should I give up on my current income? Do I need a second income? Well, who doesn’t? But how much effort will it be? Will affect my productivity in the better of my jobs?

That brings me to my career. I feel I’m at crossroads and deciding which direction to pursue is giving me a hell of a time.

The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me is You

Love Of My Life
Love Of My Life

Fashion? Who decides it? How does it have on and off seasons? There are none for cricket. And for a man who loathes expensive clothing and derides who invest in them, there is a certain irony about it all.

My wife of all people isĀ a fashionista herself. Not that she ever foresaw herself asĀ one. She’s a computer engineer like all of us engineers in our family. But there was always a twinkle in her eyes for colors and style. She would somehow know the current “IN” colors six months ago. She’s a stylist, a concept designer and works with a decent boutique.

Ritika – you are the only one I think about when I hear the word – Fashion.

I am and was a sham when it came to clothing. I look like a bum every time, no matter how Ā hard I try to improve. When it comes to clothing, sadly there was never a statement nor will be.

But as a Mr. Bryan Adams will say – “The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me is You!”. You are my fashion statement!

Here’s the song for you –

Lets see what others think about fashion and such

  1. Shine like a Star | Rima Hassan
  2. Daily Prompt: New Sensation-you shouldnā€™t give an iPad to your child | Journeyman
  3. The Little Ike and The Daily Prompt | The Jittery Goat
  4. Cheerful | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  5. Pure randomness | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  6. New Sensation | Knowledge Addiction
  7. From bell bottoms to DMs! Daily Prompt | alienorajt
  8. 24/7 Grunge | Under the Monkey Tree
  9. Come on gay gene, do what youā€™re meant to be good at?! | thoughtsofrkh
  10. Do NOT! Back Car Off Cement | Exploratorius
  11. To make me tallerā€¦ | Hope* the happy hugger
  12. New sensation | Sue’s Trifles
  13. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | The Wandering Poet
  14. DP Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Sabethville
  15. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  16. Daily Prompt: New Senation | snippets and words
  17. iā€™m fingering my | y
  18. A Hot New Super Model! | Haiku By Ku
  19. Daily Prompt: New Sensation Ā« Mama Bear Musings
  20. I’m Just a T-shirt and Jeans Type of Guy – Musings |
  21. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  23. Daily Prompt: Fads & Fashionistas-NOT | A Day In The Life
  24. FAD | Among the Whispers
  25. Middle School Day Trend | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  26. Clothes: The Necessary Evil | Living Dead Girl
  27. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Little Fish Teaches and Reflects
  28. Donā€™t Call it a Comeback: Daily Post | Destino
  29. Fashion Statements | Flowers and Breezes
  30. Back to Class | Finale to an Entrance
  31. An Upward Trend | snapshotsofawanderingheart
  32. Fashion? Bah humbug. | Emotional Fitness
  33. But I Make Those Sweat Pants Look Good! | Bright Tuesday
  34. Trend Setter Extravanganza | Beez Giftz
  35. Sensation | La Gatita Oscura
  36. Best Dress EVER /Daily Prompt | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  37. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Passionate Ambika
  38. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Focal Breeze
  39. The blue dress | Life is great
  40. Fashion for the Unfashionista | The Valerie Nightshade Trilogy
  41. Iā€™m A Mocker | The Eclectic Poet
  42. Iā€™m Certainly No Fashionista | Cats, Coffee, And Life At Random
  43. Stirrup Pants. Thatā€™s Right. I Wore Them. | The Playground
  44. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Mrs Holpepper: Bookworm
  45. Clothes Horse | The Zombies Ate My Brains
  46. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Wendy Karasin ā€“ Musings of a Boomer
  47. A new pink sensation for this New York power girl Ā« psychologistmimi
  48. Sensation | The Nameless One
  49. Fashion icon | Mrs Holpepper: Bookworm
  50. Fashion wins the race | A mom’s blog
  51. FAD | Stuff and Nonsense
  52. Fashion and fads | Kate Murray
  53. A Photo A Week Challenge: From Color to B&W | LenzExperiments
  54. Fashion Days of Yoreā€¦ | Maria For Real
  55. It Used To Be Called a ā€œHatā€ | djgarcia94
  56. Daily Prompt ā€“ New Sensation ā€“ I was once a Brosette |
  57. The Members Only Got Lost in the London Fog. Everyone Else Knew Their Way Around | My Author-itis
  59. Adventures (in Fashion) | Scraps of Paper
  60. Depressionista Fashion?
  61. Life Love Lily
  62. New Sensation ā€“ 80ā€²s Fashion | Essence of Del
  63. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Occasional Stuff
  64. Itā€™s a fad, but do you like it anyway? | Photography Journal Blog
  65. {Not Such A} New Sensationā€¦ | Babbleogue
  66. Daily Prompt- New Sensation (or olde) | mountainmae
  67. New sensations | A picture is worth 1000 words
  68. When it Comes to Clothing, My Size is Comfortable | meanderedwanderings
  69. The hijab ā€“ My choice | The Word Trance
  70. One Crazy Mom Ā» Looks Iā€™m Crazy For
  71. Daily Prompt: New Sensation ā€“ Fad Ā« LIVING WITH MY ANCESTORS
  72. Baby Tees and Overalls, Fall 1993 | Kosher Adobo
  73. Better think twice about lighting upā€¦at least in Singapore | Mishe en Place
  74. A FUN FAD! | Words ‘n Pics…
  75. The Camino Plan | Footloose, Fancy-Freeā€¦Fashionable?
  76. Fad | The Land Slide Photography
  77. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project”
  78. DAILY PROMPT: NEW SENSATION ā€“ FAD | Francine In Retirement
  79. Respond: Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Etienette
  80. New Sensation – Ramblings from the Swamp
  81. Daily Prompt: Fad | That Montreal Girl
  82. Daily Prompt: FAD, youā€™re going to need a bigger door | Born on a Wednesday
  83. Uniquely Uniform | The Silver Leaf Journal
  84. Daily prompt: How young is too young to take the road less travelled? | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  85. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Writing Canvas
  86. Daily Prompt: Fad/Mix Up | @ The West Gate
  87. Daily Prompt: New Sensation. Members Only | Schizo Incognito
  88. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Yowza, Here We Go!
  89. If Those Jeans Could Only Talk | WaterSalt Sky
  90. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Basically Beyond Basic
  91. Daily Prompt: New Sensation | Nola Roots, Texas Heart
  92. Daily Prompt: One For One With Myā€¦ | Morrighan’s Muse
  93. Willow’s Corner
  94. Comfort is always in style | Willow’s Corner

My Saviour

You know the moment you really want to cry, it’s filled up in your throat, when the brain thinks you’re gonna go completely deaf from the screams inside your heart and yet you can’t cry? Your lips tremble, your ears, nose and eyes are red but that single tear just doesn’t break out?

You know the best push then is the touch and even better, an embrace from someone whom you know truly loves you. You don’t have to look at anything. All you have to do is close your eyes, feel a touch and it all starts to pour out for you feel safe in the hands of someone you know can hold you when you just can’t trust anyone else to do it.

Thankfully, whenever I’ve been in this kind of soup, I’ve always had that someone. Thank you baby, for when I hear your voice, I know not everything is wrong around me.

You are my saviour. Just be there! šŸ™‚

To Home and Back – 4 days full of bliss

Sometimes we just need vacations. To run away from our mundane life and the same fucked up people we meet everyday to meet new ones. I needed this vacation. I was sick and tired of the sickening fucked up home and such life. After all that my wife and I bore together in the past few months, both of us desperately needed a vacation or at bare minimum, a change of location. I had tried applying for vacations twice but one got turned down and the other wasn’t even given a heed in my office. But my last attempt got cleared and 2 days and a weekend was what we had to reboot our heads.

It’d been a long time since my brothers marriage and we hadn’t seen our parents and somewhere deep within our hearts, we owed them a visit. So,we decided to rather see them and save our money than run away to some hill station and spend all that we had saved.

It turned out to be a fantastic decision at the end.

The first day was normal stay at home and we just slept through it. A simple foray into a market and we got my mother her most favorite Pineapple cake. Soft and sumptuous as it was, we just couldn’t resist digging our fingers into it but wait was what was in store for us. We also had to go see my in-laws and once we were late to return from there, my parents had already slept. So tired as we were, a simple hug and a birthday wish was all we could offer her that night before we all slept again.

The next day was packed for activities which included a visit to my parents favorite temple – Mahakaleshwar in Ujjain (M.P.). We woke up and got ready in a haste to reach the temple as early as possible so we don’t get to face the extreme heat. But this was my mum’s birthday and the cake cutting was in order. The cake was duly cut and dug in and she absolutely loved it. We then boarded a taxi and started for our journey. Quite frankly, as you will all see from our faces, we are a family of die-hard foodies. And one particular restaurant “Pappu Da Dhaba” holds special fondness among us. It serves hot breakfast with tea and just totally makes our day with it’s taste. The best part is, it’s located exactly at the half way point between Bhopal and Indore and completely satiates any hunger for the rest of the day. Here is one picture of the route I took with my phone’s camera –


It was a glorious day, bathed in sunshine, with mild heat emanating from the ground, making it so much more comfortable. I hadn’t had a field day in months and I was absorbing all that nature had to offer. We reached Ujjain in around 3.5 hours and headed straight to the temple.

To learn more about Ujjain, please click the link below –

The temple hosts Lord Shiva in his most glorious of forms. As taking pictures inside the temple isn’t allowed, I couldn’t get any but they certainly are available all over the net. Try and search it out for yourself or visit this site –

On normal days, the temple is absolutely packed full of pilgrims at all times but for some strange reason, we were quite early there that day even at 12:30 pm and the temple to our collective sighing souls was fully available for view at our discretion. Here are some pictures we took at the pavement –

This is my family (from the left) – wife, dad and mom!


Indian rituals wherein we tie threads to trees for every prayer or wish we want to come true –



We then went from temple to temple, all of whom held historical significance and here are some pictures from them –

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By the time we were done with the 4th temple, moms feet had given away and we decided to direct our journey back for home. It got very cloudy and then rainy by the time we re-crossed the same “Pappu Da Dhaba” but that didn’t deter us from taking a tea break there. Here are some pictures from the way I think are worth noting –

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I was surprised to see something that mom and wife had bought right outside the main temple – a Rudraksh that contained nearly all the elements that pertain to Lord Shiva. I think it’s fantastic. I have tried washing them and nothing but some paint has come off it for I just couldn’t believe that something of this sort could exist, so apparently it may be real too –



Coming home, late that evening, I couldn’t help but realize how nature tries and holds it’s course while all that humans do gets dissolved in it. We pollute it and then we preserve it but how it has stayed pure at its roots is something what should teach us – to hold on to our firm pure roots.

The third day was my moms kitty party and oh man – how do us guys then realize that we aren’t even welcome home for those 4 hours. They despise us, hate us and then it’s left up to our better judgement to find a place where we can spend those 4 hours loafering around the city. It was that afternoon that I tasted peppermint right from it’s leaves in a nursery. It was heavenly.

The next evening after a lunch at my in-laws, we left back for Delhi.

I loved the journey and couldn’t help but share it with you guys.

Thanks for reading.


One evening.

Elena said,”I talked to brother Prince today. He asked me to move to Mumbai for a while to give me a change of locality. A fresh locality just might give me some relief from my recurring nightmares from the accident”.

Sam replied,”Even I have thought the same. It’ll freshen you up and keep you away from all the shit you are going through and may even pavĆ© a better way for you to increase your business, Mumbai being the BOLLYWOOD!”

Elena,”Prince said he could look out for a better apartment than the one he now lives in as he could now have a stable house if I am moving in with him. Also as I would move out from Delhi, you could shift to a smaller house and we can save a lot of money from it which could add to our savings. I will take some stuff from here which you won’t need as you would be alone and we can save some money from that too”.

Sam replied,”But you should keep a deadline for yourself. If you aren’t able to do well for yourself by then, you will leave Mumbai and move to our home town and look to set up whatever business you can set up there. You will also then be able to look after both our parents. That way they’ll be happy, you’ll be happy and they’ll also help you manage your financials. But then this is the last option you’ll have. I’m sorry but we can’t afford any more chances after Mumbai for your business to grow up as we’ve failed a lot and it has cost us a lot of money. We need to move on with our life to better pastures”.

Elena replied,”Yeah I second you. If I won’t be able to do it in Mumbai, I guess it’ll be time for me to look for smaller and more beneficial deals than setting up a business from scratch and that way I would get to stay with our parents for a longer period”.

Next noon.

Elena called Sam and screamed,”You know what? Screw that plan. I don’t want to go anywhere. I don’t have any money to settle there and don’t yet have any contacts that can help me start my influence in the industry. I won’t be able to doĀ anything there. I should just probably stay at home and cook food and take care of our home!!!”.

Sam stayed quiet as she hung up the phone.


Easier said than done I guess.

Marriage. A bonding of 2 souls. A conjoining of 2 bodies. It’s not a relationship (for relationships are farcical) but a lifelong agreement of two minds to put their own separate interests behind the interests of their unity, health and wealth.

What if the two are going through a phase wherein they are absolutely unable to help one another during the times of dire need? Both of them are helpless, for the world around them is falling apart and yet they refuse to let go of each others hands. They stand committed to die together and willing to make sacrifices not everyone around them would be willing to make. What if the sacrifice pushes them apart for awhile only to get together stronger and start their life on a stronger foothold than the one they previously started on?

Would you allow it or choose the easier option of simply staying together with limited means and with the hope that someday things will get better and they will eventually see a life they had together dreamt of? Shouldn’t we give ourselves enough chances to let us turn color our life in our favorite color?

Solitary Positive

The only solitary positive to have come out of today so far is that my bike got repaired from the permanent damage in the carburetor. The mechanic caught it and asked me to replace it. I said I don’t have enough to buy a new one. So he changed the pump inside it which was way cheaper and my bike now touches 100 kmph at will!

Otherwise, it has been a sad dramatic day so far starting with an anxiety attack on my wife which resulted in her hospitalization at 4 o clock in the morning. She got discharged atĀ 8:30 am but is sleeping after a heavy dose of painkillers and sedatives. I have reached office fully drenched in the most wretched of rains Delhi NCR has faced. It’s cold here and I’m just hoping that this doesn’t aggravate my side sprain right below my right side of the rib cage or run me into fever.

I’m tired frankly and can’t think of writing even one line of code. Sigh!!!

Safety for women

We – both me and my wife had a huge rip off last night for the sheer negligence of her own safety in a city like Delhi. I wasn’t gonna give up this time so I for once raised my voice to let her know that I won’t be having any reasons or arguments regarding the same. My points were as follows:
1. You are wholly and solelyĀ  responsible for your own safety.
2. No matter how confident you are about the people you are with, there are conditions and situations that won’t remain and are never in your hands to take care off – car accidents for one.
3. Also you never know if your car driver is drunk.
4. I can always tell you that I’m with you always but in reality I’m not and I can’t always be physically.
5. I can’t control your safety if I dont know your whereabouts after a specific interval of time.
6. You have to take your decisions logically because this wicked world won’t spare you even if it knew how excited you are for your job selection.
7. Make sure that you are at home at max by 8:30 pm unless it’s an absolute work emergencyand even that should only extend to 10 pm – the simple reason being you are never sure who ib this world is drinking and driving. For parties I’ll never leave you alone anyways.

Anyone else has any more suggestions?

Posted from mobile

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