I’ll Take Care

So something authentic and mind churning came my way today in a text message –

No matter where you come from and when you start, your dreams are valid“.

My wife sent it to me. She told me that she was well applauded for her quote and even received a gift! Congrats Baby!

She went on to ask me, what I think of it? I liked it!

I think it speaks tons of what’s in her mind and how dear are her dreams to her heart.

I’ll tell you a few things about her that are necessary to know her. She is a dreamer of course. If you’ll ask her what’s her greatest dream, she’ll say – I want to be famous. If you’ll ask her what does she think about money, she’ll say – I don’t need much (which sometimes can be very tricky to comprehend, mind you). 😉

Back to the dreams though, she really does want to be famous. She loves colors, hates routines, loves comfort, hates dullness. She is in fact so much like a kid, you can see her expression change when things are not going according to her and the smiling coming back, when things do. Her head turns away from anything she doesn’t like much. She’s full of energy when she gets to smile, laugh and spread some and yet has none that’s expendable, to perform mundane tasks at home.

For some reason, the exciting never escapes her. She has a nose for it and it gets very perilous sometimes. The sudden clicks in her head can get so unnerving, she gets very difficult to cope with.

None of these are problems, mind you! She is a human being. She loves fun and is very open about it. She has a very unique mind that just doesn’t accept haze, for haze handicaps her. She hates confusions, loves frank and open discussions and if she gets her mind at some task, you can rest assured, it will be done.

She wants to do so much and is always on a prowl to do something unique. She’s brilliant at getting things done. She loves everyone and everything till they give her a reason for the otherwise.

I believe if I ask her what are your plans for later, she’ll reply –

“I want to continue with fashion. I want to indulge in social work. I want to start writing my book (that she plans to publish in 5 years). I want switch to a new house. I want to earn more. I want to move out of Delhi”.

If you eavesdrop on some of her client calls, all talks are big and about the ginormous steps towards the unthinkable. I’ve heard so many of her calls, and each one has one thing in common – she’ll always make sure that you are never at the losing end.

There are never intricate details at any moment. Nothing is planned to the last detail and that’s her achilles heel.

And this is where the quote in her mind comes from. She doesn’t know when and where to start working on her dreams and yet she knows they’re forever valid (which they are and will remain).

You don’t have to doubt yourselves sweetheart. Things will be alright. Trust me they will be because I’ll take care. 😉

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25 thoughts on “I’ll Take Care”

      1. Both 🙂 I loved what Lupita Nyong’o said in her speech, how your wife wrote her own inspiring bit, and your post, too, is touching. 🙂


  1. Love it! Happy, sweet and thoughtful post. Picture is beautiful 🙂 Your blog is becoming quite the colorful hangout. What a celebration – Dilbert was good, but you should be proud of how great and “present” you are now, in your own space. Hurray, hurray.


    1. Thank You so much Christine! This comment really means a lot! I have strived to achieve what you just stated for so long, that perfect sense of liveliness, I’m truly amazed and thankful that you noticed! I guess I can now be proud! 😀


    1. It feels good to know that there is someone who sincerely cares about my dreams coming true, knowing that person is beside you and silently supporting you and doing something to make sure that you are just a step away from attaining your goals. He is like a benefactor, an angel, a God sent. The support and little (big for me) things that he silently do, and yet he thinks I know nothing because he doesn’t care of the credit but the result, is what really makes that person super duper special. He himself is the dream that has come true.

      Liked by 1 person

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